1887 – Greek Orthodox Church, Arbour Hill, Dublin
A former National School, the small building is now the home of the Greek Orthodox congregation in Dublin.
A former National School, the small building is now the home of the Greek Orthodox congregation in Dublin.
Now a hotel, this former country house is a picturesque rambling Victorian composition. Typical of the work of Carpenter who was adept at designing in many variants of historical styles.
The date stone over the centre window of the top floor of this building reads 1886,
Constructed for the Lower Medway Navigation Company. “These cottages are been erected at Allington Lock for the accommodation of the employes of the company.
Considered one of the finest Anglican Cathedral in Asia, it was built in 13th century Gothic style,
Perspective View with small plan & Interior View, published in The Building News, October 7th 1887.
Published in American Architect and Building News.
William Batt had designed several other Orange Halls including the Orange Hall in Clifton Street, were he was a member of Eldon L.O.L.
The octagonal bandstand was erected by the fundraising efforts of Dublin Metropolitan Police to commemorate Queen Victoria’s Jubilee.
Front Perspective published in The Architect, October 7th 1887.