Still not getting there…

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    • #708747
      a boyle

      Temple Bar is too successfull, the IFSC is dead as a dodo.

      Smithfield is overdevelopped on one side and under developped on the other. Nothing has opened up.

      O’Connell street looks like taking at least ten years before it is thriving again.

      The south quays look good but are far too low.

      Dundrum shopping centre magically has got the balance right (so far). The village has not been killed off ,nor has it been smothered.

      Tallaght new highrise are okkkkkaaaayyyyyyy . but the dual carriage way needs to be sunk or built on .

      liffey valley remains a joke. Blanch is blanch.

      quartier bloom is quite cool , but given the litany of other failures it is nothing to write home about.

      The boom will end this year or next year , or just as soon as the interest rates rise sufficiently . It seems about time to take stock.

      What is going on ? The last ten years of building have performed much like a government minister: frantic action , with nothing to show for it ! Do the council need more power or less? is it just a case of resourcing the planning departments appropriately or is the entire approach basically flawed?

      It seems like such a phenomenal waste, any thoughts?

    • #780121

      Oh you are such a CYNIC! 😀

      Its all going spiffingly….. although I do wonder what the most innovative thing the CC have done to the city is. Is it the Boardwalk, OConnell St-Parnell Square, Markets Area, Smithfield…..

      I think the CC is criminally underfunded (like all local authorities) and make do with what they have. I imagine most of the delays with O’Connell Street were revenue related. One of the key achievements of the boom years though has to be the way we view the city and I think this is changing for the better although not quick enough. I would like to see a uch more pedestrian friendly city with spaces designed for people, not traffic (and I am not convinced that OConnell St had this at heart, despite the wide pavements). I hope that John Tierney will see this as a key objective of this tenure as City Manager (he was ‘confirmed’ in his position by the City Council yesterday).

    • #780122

      @StephenC wrote:

      . I imagine most of the delays with O’Connell Street were revenue related.

      I wouldn’t necessarily say that’s true given that the council felt obliged to appoint a new IAP manager for the area after a couple of years. Presumably that was due to inability to get things done

    • #780123

      I think a lot of the problems were revenue related which probably dimmed the great enthusiasm with which the project was launched which in turn led to the decision to change personnel.

      Can we merge this thread with GregF’s Checklist please

    • #780124
      a boyle

      i was hoping to focus more on the planning issues , not simply a checklist. It seems to me that overall there is still no vision for the city ,and more importantly dublin and it’s surrounding counties. Where there is vision (heuston , smithfield, city markets, ifsc, docklands, etc etc, ) we just are not getting it right. not even close.

      I am scepticle that money is the problem , as the city council have never had so much to spend. With years long housing ‘crisis’ it seems fundamentally wrong that the living over a shop scheme failed dismally.

      Is it tax ? would a use it or lose approach to inner dublin help ? (ie annual tax on the value of the house )

      Is it that city planning is entirely driven in responce to planning applications or not (ie the planners evaluate prososals for agreement with the development plan, instead of applicants looking to the development plan and basing their apllication on it.)

      What about heritage : there is loads of buildings protected , but there is certainly no sense of areas where we will strive restore, areas where we will only conserve, and areas where if an idea is good enough demolition is ok.

      then there is transport. I happened to get the bus instead of the tram to work today , what a joke! apperently i was in a fantastic bus lane. Well a guy got off and walked , twenty minutes later i look out the window and he passes by. What is going on ? at best we are looking at twenty years to build the transport network up. What the fuck do we do till then ?

    • #780125
      Rory W

      Ever since FF abolished rates in 77 local councils have had no tax raising ability (other than commercial rates). We are now reaping the benefits of this – if you want better services you’ll have to pay higher taxes for them, good luck to the government that brings that in.

    • #780126
      a boyle

      i think you are probably right. local council ought to have taxing power of some description. the nessecity to raise taxes is not certain but probable .

      But there is more by splitting dublin four ways every council is neutered. i cannot speak for the rest of the country , but the entire area inside the m50 ought to be governed by a single council . a directly elected mayor is another thing that could make a difference.

      But there is more to this . i think when creating the development plan, the council should propose 3 , a ten year a twenty year , and a hundred year plans. thing like housing density should be explicitly marked .

      So say the metro is built then every kilometre either side of it could be demolished over time and rebuilt with the higher density needed. As things lie there will simply be an uncomfortable struggle between the houseowners and developpers seeking higher buildings

      Things like parks and future possible parks should be marked. etc etc.

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