Eileen Grey @ Nat Museum

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    • #705251

      The long awaited permanent exhibition on Eileen Gray is opening in the National Museum on 21 March

    • #718452
      Paul Clerkin

      I’ve just been up there, looks very very good….. anyone got invites to the opening tonight?

    • #718453
      Paul Clerkin

      Went throught it tonight, well woth another trip, great furniture, architectural models and much information.

      I hope it proves an amazing success for the museum. And if you are out there, their secretive benefactor who was thanked on the night, well done. Unlike many of our new millionaires and rich you spent well and have left a legacy for the nation.

    • #718454

      It would be great if that wealthy benefactor would consider funding the proposed documentary on her work by Soar Productions.

      What is the URL for the National Museum?

    • #718455
      Paul Clerkin

      There’s a difference between a gift to a museum and giving money to a commercial organisation to make money.

    • #718456

      heading up saturday for a nose

    • #718457

      Great exhibition, very illustrative with the models and has a good balance of architecture/furniture/interior design.

      well done to all concerned

    • #718458

      Called in yesterday, an excellent exhibition, perhaps not as much information on her furniture as there could have been.

    • #718459

      I know who the secret benefactor was 🙂
      Not very surprising given the number of Irish business leaders who tend to give money away. You would be damn sure O’Reilly would want his name/face plastered all over the exhibition if it was his money so look elsewhere.

      Didn’t care for the cheapass reuse of that series on architecture for the video piece, and (no offence to Bus) the touchscreen/webpages combo that doesn’t work very well. They should have pushed out the boat for new video and multimedia materials.

      Inappropriate typography used in the leaflet too (and didn’t care for the design or text of the panels).

      They should have re-created a room (within a room), and given the exhibition more space.

      Lovely work though.

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