Re: Re: reordering and destruction of irish cathedrals and churches

Home Forums Ireland reorganisation and destruction of irish catholic churches Re: Re: reordering and destruction of irish cathedrals and churches


Well, if Peter Parler can’t be trusted to know Prague Cathedral, who can? I must say, Peter, I admire your work in particular on the Golden Gate! Below, another image from a different angle.

Obviously all these shots are taken early in the morning, before opening hours. The one characteristic that now blights St. Vitus is the hoards of noisy tourists who constantly tramp around it. Alas, mass tourism has made a spectacle of all places of beauty.

A most interesting feature of St Vitus is the splendid ambulatory altar to St. John Nepomuk – see the image below. If one looks closely just above the mensa of each altar, one sees etched silver tablets containing the texts of the Eternal Mass – what used to be contained on the so-called Altar Charts. Thus on the Gospel Side is John 1: 1-14 “In principio erat Verbum” and on the Epistle Side, some offertory prayers: “Deus qui humanae substantiae….” and “Lavabo inter innocentes manus meas…”

While the altar charts were one of the first victims of the slash and burn approach to things liturgical that typified the 70s, they could not be removed from the altar of John Nepomuk.

Is this feature unique to this altar?

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