1846 – Heuston Station, Dublin
Formerly Kingsbridge Station and one of Dublin’s original railway termini, Heuston Station was commissioned in 1846 from Sancton Wood, an English architect. Easily the most impressive of Dublin’s stations, Heuston is based on the design of an Italian palazzo. A central block of nine bays is used to mask the train shed designed by Sir John MacNeill. This block has projecting Corinthian columns, balustrades and an attic storey – all decorated with carved swags and urns. To either side of this main block are domed campaniles. To the south is the main entrance block built along the side of the railway shed.
Unfortunately funds ran out before the interior and the rear of the station could be completed. A restoration of the station in the late 1990s created a new entrance for pedestrians through the centre of the main block. The interiors have been remodelled and extended with the station shed extended to meet the rear of the office block with new facilities provided. The Dublin tram system or Luas has a stop outside the main entrance.
“This terminus presents a highly-ornamented front of hewn granite, consisting of a central building, two storeys in height, 107 feet in width, with two wings, each extending 53 feet, beyond which the ornamental portion projects 17 feet. The basement storey is of the Tuscan Order, rusticated and corniced. The second is composed of eight three-quarter Corinthian pillars, and two pilasters at the extremities. Between these are handsome windows, with alternate arched and angular pediments, resting on pillars. At the bases of the pillars are newels supporting an elegant balcony. The entablature is adorned with lions’ heads and carved modillions. The wings exhibit a rusticated basement, having two Ionic pillars on either side of an entrance, and, above, a campanile and cupola. In this building are the offices of the secretary and superintendents. The entire premises being on the ground level, the greatest facilities are afforded for access to the platform, the iron and glass roof of which covers an extent of more than two and a-half acres. Mr. Sancton Wood was the architect.” The Dublin Builder, May 15 1864.
Published February 2, 2010 | Last Updated November 18, 2023