1860 – Messrs. Wright’s Bank, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire
Published in The Builder, August 25 1860.
Published in The Builder, August 25 1860.
“Our principal illustration, this week, represents a mansion which is now being erected, near Nottingham, for the Duke of St.
The Nottingham Congregational Institute, a theological training college for Congregational Ministers, was established in Nottingham in 1866 by the Rev.
Published in The Building News, March 6 1874.
Front Perspective View & plan; Interior Perspective towards Altar; both published in The Building News, April 24th 1874.
Design published in The Building News, December 15 1876.
Competitive design for educational buldings, published in The Building News, March 16th 1877.
Second premium in a competition published under a pseudonym. Published in The Building News, September 28 1877.
Elevations, sections & ground plans published in The Building News, August 3rd 1877.