1195 – Corcomroe Abbey, Ballyvaughan, Co. Clare Officially “Sancta Maria de Petra Fertili” or “Saint Mary of the Fertile Rock”. Corcomroe Abbey is sited a few miles from Ballyvaughan within sight of the coast.
15th C. – Caislean Sean Muckinish, Ballyvaughan, Co. Clare Ruined tower house on the coast just outside Ballyvaughan. The Castle of Shanmuckinis, now generally called the Castle of Ballynacregga, is a square castle measuring twenty eight feet six inches by twenty five feet six inches and seventy four feet in height.
1866 – Church of Saint John the Baptist, Ballyvaughan, Co. Clare Architect: Michael B. Moran The foundation stone was laid by Bishop Fallon in 1858. The church was knocked down in 1862 by a storm and again in 1863.