2010 – OAK bar, Terminal 2, Dublin Airport
The landside bar and cafe in the new terminal at Dublin airport is a 84mm oak veneered plywood deformed grid shell as a baldacchino over bar and server.
The landside bar and cafe in the new terminal at Dublin airport is a 84mm oak veneered plywood deformed grid shell as a baldacchino over bar and server.
The Obel Tower dominates the Belfast skyline. Planning permission was granted in January 2008 for an extra two floors to be added to the tower to cater for further demand in apartment space.
The house is on a terrace whose split-section is native to Georgian Dublin; a grand parlour to the front with smaller rooms to the rear at half-levels one up and one down from the street.
Built as a residence for the president of the university, the building attracted much controversy due to the University’s level of debt and cutbacks in public spending.
The 40 metre span bridge with its fluid lines and undulating concrete surface will take trams,