what are they doing?

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    • #705735

      the park on the corner of gardiner street and sean mcdermott street appears to be in the process of been cleared. anyone know what is going here??

      on another note i read that a house on moore street due for demolition is been saved due the the 1916 bods meeting there.

    • #721163

      Thank god……….maybe they are going to build on it and reinstate the street……I remember seeing photos of old of this area before the demolition blight took control. This area looked a bustling part of the city with buildings of substantial height and volume…..now alas it is a dual carriageway……..good to see the riddance of this temporary false infill park…..it attracted the druggies too no doubt.

    • #721164

      Part of the NEIC area plan I think the schools from the area summerhill are to be relocated here…..was the site for my thesis good location in the city

    • #721165

      Is’nt the redevelopment in this area of the city of the past 20 years disasterous……..the houses are too suburban as well as the new school just recently built in Sean McDermott street….. There’s an awful looking carpark as well which houses a pub…etc……and as for the appartments….their barracaded to keep the riff raff out…….and all just a few metres from the supposed prime street of Ireland….. O’Connell Street. Gas to think that Gardiner Street was once a fine Georgian street of subtantial houses….pity they had to knock em down as part of the slum clearance……Tony Gregory had a say in it as well as boggers Fianna Fail…aka CJ Haughey.
      In hindsight…….it is a great pity our country was always very poor……in a material sense and a mental sense. I dearly hope with the downturn in the economy now that those days of poverty and ignorance do not return.
      Thank god for the Europeans …whom we have used as role models.

    • #721166

      They are redeveloping the park on the junction of Gardiner St and Sean McDermot St which was temporarily closed well over a year ago probably because of the number of undesirables hanging around there!
      (By the way there was a presentation last week in a hotel on Frederick St of the plans for the renovation of Mounjoy Square!)

    • #721167

      Its looks like a death knell for most of the misconcieved parks in this quarter. The park on James Joyce Street (perviously Corporation St) is also due to be clearer and the JJ street-line reinstated.
      Theres a huge amount of developemnt planned for this area…it will be unrecognisable in a few years (if it happens).

      I cant help but agree that it is a shame about the way Gardiner Street has been let down. To think this was the top residential area in Dublin once upon a time. The slum clearance was very misguided but then again wqe can say that about almost every major redevelopment in the city in the last 50 years! The reconstruction of Mountjoy (weren’t ESB the culprits here as well) shows how with a little bit of effort and imagination alot of teh damage can be undone.

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