Waterford Quays

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    • #705723

      Has anyone had a chance to look at the winners of the recent Waterford Quays Design Competition?

      It’s nice to see that our Irish ‘leaders’ have once again decided to allow our UK neighbors to tell us how to run and design our country, not to mention the 500,000 euros that will be leaving our shores.

      Its really too bad.

    • #721108
    • #721109

      Its difficult to draw any conclusions from the illustrations on the OPW website since they’re not very detailed. It’s a fantastic site there in Waterford so hopefully they’ll put something worthwhile in there, i.e. keep Scott Tallon and Walker and anyone with any connection to the Dublin Docklands as far away from it as possible. I’m just hoping this isn’t put on the backburner like hundreds of other things in this country, never to be heard from again.

      As far as the winner being non-Irish, I don’t really have a problem with that. If theirs was the best submission then fair enough, they deserve to win regardless of where they’re from.

    • #721110
      Paul Clerkin

      Don’t be such a troll greenarch.

      Love to see that exhibition, think the OPW will take it to Dublin?

    • #721111

      Some winner, looks like a school project to me. The venue building is a real svelt whale. Hard to believe this is the best.

    • #721112

      a troll? thanks paul.

      I am sure it is a money issue, like most competitions in Ireland. I think the competition was a two tiered system…..where the jury picks the best design, then they open the TOTAL costs envelope. If it is too high it gets tossed out…..

      can anyone clear that up?

      a troll? please.

    • #721113
      Paulines Pens

      Having been involved with this competition I must express my most extreme disappointment with the result. A safe elaboration on the original OPW scheme seems to have won the day. There seems to be no attempt to link the main public spaces of the scheme to the main urban public spaces of Waterford. A happy day for all car salesmen in Waterford.

    • #721114

      I have to agree with pauline it seems the rules had to be adhered to…..without gaining the best for waterford…I dont think the winning entry will put waterford on the european map as they had hoped, well I dont think we should have expected anything different in the end of the day………….

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