Trinity College – time for a clean up

Home Forums Ireland Trinity College – time for a clean up

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    • #704731

      One of the most depressing Dublin walks is to walk up Pearse Street on the same
      side of the street as all those neglected buildings long owned by Trinity

      I suppose well endowed Dublin University is so strapped for cash that painting
      and or maintenance is reserved for the O’Reilly Hall or the Provost’s parlour.
      What is totally unacceptable is the sheer dirt of the buildings, particularly
      the doors and doorcases. Of course the unrelenting traffic does not help, but
      compare both sides of the street. The business premises on the other side of
      the street at least try. Does Trinity not even have a pressure washer to give
      the doors and windows a rinse down?. Of course Westland Row is no better, –
      again on the Trinity side of the street. Here the name panels for those
      unfortunate parts of the Trinity empire to be banished here are almost unreadible
      with dirt or decay.

      And here is my killer blow to the Trinity dons – even Belfield is better kept.

    • #713447

      I would agree whole-heartedly with you. Pearse St and Westland Row are a disgrace. Trinity contributed in no small way to the death of Pearse Street by closing up all the shop units for extra lab / storage space. Pearse St was once a thriving shopping street until the removal of the theatre and department store at the Tara Street end.

      On both streets, the college is fortunate is owning two reasonably coherent streetscapes, which they have proceeded to neglect. It is indeed a pity, when the College is forever commissioning new modern work from architects, that they cannot put aside a portion of their building & maintainance budget to give these buildings a clean up.

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