The Pheno Race Track

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    • #706377

      So they’re going to build houses now on the former Phoenix Park race track.
      Wea Hey! ….sure what else would they have done.
      Houses! houses! houses!…for miles around to see…..
      Let’s hope too it’s a mixture of social and private housing… diversify this area of uppity middle class shits.
      Remember years ago folks the Sonas Centre was proposed for here and there was an opportunity to have a much needed stadium, hotel and leisure facilities built but it was shot down by the snobbish Merc drivers of Castleknock and Co because a casino was part of the scheme.
      ”Ireland says no to Casinos” said some sun-visors that bedecked the mercs.
      Well they may get more than what they bargained for now.

      Hope the GAA build that hotel too in that run down kip of an area. The stupid locals fail to realise it will add value to their homes and locality. Would probably get social housing instead.

      I got a prison where I lived years ago….the world did’nt end however.

    • #735000

      actually they are mostly two-bed apartments in 3 to 5 story blocks according to the indo, with about 300 hundred houses, a park along the road, a school and some shops.

    • #735001

      Well said Greg F!!!!! They deserve what they get.. Sonas was an excellent idea, excellent plan and a super revenue generating idea and to built all by the private sector! What have we now, thanks to the SNOBS……… NOTHING!

      I hope they build flats.. Corporation ones with the worst tenants, that’ll give the Castleknock mafia something to moan about!

      NIMBY, my a*se! We need legislation for the common good, not policy decided by a few vocal interest groups.

    • #735002

      With lots of screaming kids, dogs and piebald horses!

    • #735003

      Lets hope no poshies move in, playing music till 5.00 in the morning, or there will be war. Or children, heaven forbid children might play there.

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