Spire of Dublin Trust

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    • #705954

      I reckon this is a great idea! They could use the profits (at least initally) to improve the street. That way it would fall victim to any dreaded cuts… sorry Charlie readjustments in the DCC budget. That should ensure the redevelopment is undertaken to the highest standards.
      What ideas would you have for such a trust?

    • #723981
      Paul Clerkin

      I like the idea of the btrust funding other public art

    • #723982

      By I’m sure glad Ian Ritchie insists he is on the panel (for life) to oversee this great idea (by the way its his idea). As like the great promises of the Lotto for sporting infrastructure God knows where the monies generated by the Spire would end up ( someone must have wised him up) The man was really upset and could not understand all the whinging and small mindedness about ‘the waste of money’ and is determined to show the doubting Dubliners (where have they all gone ?) that the Spire will generate more than its so minimal cost considering its posetive impact on the city and the spike moaners ala our Lord Mayor (now Lacey insists!! he ‘unvail’ the Spire) typical bandwagon politician- Get up the Yard Lacey!! Yes copyright of the Spire to DCC, only if Ian Ritchie is on the Trust committee for life!! By the way well done to all the forgotten engineers (Arups / Radleys) who made the Spire happen.

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