SHAG on the Millenium Bridge!

Home Forums Ireland SHAG on the Millenium Bridge!

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    • #704917
      Marina Byrant

      Does anyone out there no why there is a carpet adorning Howley Harringtons bridge. Saw it last Friday on my home after a few beers – how long has it been there?

    • #715277

      Noticed that as well

    • #715278
      Martin Shiels

      It’s been there for at least two weeks, I suspect it’s some kind of advertisement.

    • #715279

      Yea, it’s some Guinness idea and
      it’s filthy dirty at the moment.

      The worst is the Big chocolate Box
      floating a bit further down stream.
      Will the corporation be taking
      sponsorship on the city name next.
      Welcome to Nike Dublin will adorn
      Dublin Airport. Gateway to Tracksuit
      city where takkieness runs free.

      Looks like there’ll be no hope of
      getting the hoarding off the loop
      line bridge.

      Happy Coca-Cola X-mas.

    • #715280

      about three months back there were adverts for baileys on the boardwalk

    • #715281

      Yeah!….but does’nt the advertizements add a little life and colour to the place. Notice too the new Heinekin advert on O’Connell Bridge House. Commercialism whether we like it or not is a part of 20th/21st century capitalist culture as we all know….and a mere mark of our boom today. Enjoy it!

    • #715282

      …..but to add too the advertizements you complain of are only temporary (ie the chocolate, box which looks alright to me), however the loopline bridge is a different matter….the advertizements should be removed to reveal this fine Victorian bridge.

    • #715283

      Carpet? Yeah, I think Des Kelly sponsered that bridge! And no doubt the Xmas shoppers can rest their tired feet on its gorgeous shag pile.

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