PRECEDENT for modern domestic

Home Forums Ireland PRECEDENT for modern domestic

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    • #705298

      is it the case that when applying for a modern house design in a rural area you must show precedent…is this not the planners way of requesting justification of modern architecture for domestic environments..
      why is it that the planning authorities themselves are advocating modern architecture in corporate building as a outward expression of modern irish culture, and yet we are asked to justify our wish to live in a similar structure..contradiction ?

    • #718988

      This rule i think is one the very few positive planing guidelines that planners actually seem to follow…. in an effort to protect the countryside (you did say ‘rural’) and encourage people to live in urban areas.
      Maybe it’s the case everywhere but in the south-east, ‘precedent’ issue includes not only the previous existence of building structures but also matters like the length of time an applicant has already spend living in the area , and often the request of proof of ‘need’ to live in the specific area (family nearby and distance to work place being the two major elements). This of course reduces the tendancies to build holiday homes away from resort towns and reduces the blight that would occur when ‘blow-ins’ try to come to live in an area, yet at the same time providing an (admittedly very small) window for locals.

      Of course its very easy for the planners to stick to guidlines when its only one house, one applicant etc.. but as we all know this changes when we get to the wedge-like principle of a wealthy developer tacking on to a town, a huge sprawling estate of underserviced semi-ds …. here its ok of course if 90%of the inhabitants will work 75 km away, its fine that they use up valuable land with low density, over priced and single class housing, It’s perfectly fine that despite being part of a town people still have to use their cars to go everywhere (like you would in a rural situation), because here there’s not a large enough population to make public transport viable.
      I could go on (and on) but the public would get bored… and i’d just get angry.
      Stuff we all know a bit about i guess.

    • #718989

      thanks for your comments, but the issue i was trying to raise was in relation to the
      “design” of building in rural and western urban area, eg bauhaus houses along howth raod, is there a comparison on the west coast
      ok bauhaus is a long time ago but you get my angle, why the bungalow bliss style, when did that become bench mark for domestic houses in the west?

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