PP Appeal Date passed

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    • #709564

      PP Appeal Date passed

      I spent the last three months in the states. Just after I left a planning decision on an extension I lodged was due.
      After a few weeks the client contacted me and said it was granted.

      I am back about a week, and after a bit of rest I set about to tie this one up. I got a few copies of the drawings, and any letters the CC had sent me.
      I was reading through the conditions, my first time to see them, and I noticed that the CC had attached a condition that the max projection be 4m, instead of the 5m in the original. I got in touch with the client and asked him was he aware of this. He wasn’t. He isn’t happy about this, he was asking about objections/appeals and I told him the appeal date was past. 4 weeks after intial grant. Grant was two months ago.

      What are his options now, build 4m extension, build 5m and go for retention,
      build 5m anyway, nobody will measure it.
      I dont like the second two. Are they are better options?

    • #792325

      go back in for a new planning. why was it limited to 4 metres?

    • #792326

      There would be no point in going back in for planning unless there was a change made to the new proposal to counteract the reason for the restriction in th efirst place. more often than not a planner would simply make the same decision as the previous application (ie why would they undermine a previous decision without any compromise?)

      as sw101 asks, is there any reason given for the restriction?? you should be able to access the planners report at this stage, read it and see what it says.
      there may have been a restriction because:
      1. extent of overshadowing adjoining properties
      2. the private rear amenity space may have been reduced too much… is it?
      3. maintain existing building lines of adjoining extension (?, mad yes, but ive seen this happen)

      i certainly wouldnt build 5m and retain because isnt there then high likelihood of refusal…..

      a new ammended application is the only course of action in my opinion.

    • #792327

      There isn’t muct I can amend. The site is very narrow, This makes it restrictive. There aren’t many changes I can make, if any.

      The adjoining property has an extension, the rear garden is very big, its quite long and narrow,

      The reason given was:
      To protect the amenity of adjoining residential property and to comply with the zoning objective

    • #792328

      Depends on time available but the same application may be resubmitted, it will get the same refusal letter, however, if you believe the council planners decision to be suspect you then can appeal that decision. Its a long route to take but may be your only option if the original plans can not be adjusted and you will still have the current grant if your client wishes to proceed at any stage.

    • #792329

      @Bren88 wrote:

      PP Appeal Date passed

      I spent the last three months in the states. Just after I left a planning decision on an extension I lodged was due.
      After a few weeks the client contacted me and said it was granted.

      I am back about a week, and after a bit of rest I set about to tie this one up. I got a few copies of the drawings, and any letters the CC had sent me.
      I was reading through the conditions, my first time to see them, and I noticed that the CC had attached a condition that the max projection be 4m, instead of the 5m in the original. I got in touch with the client and asked him was he aware of this. He wasn’t. He isn’t happy about this, he was asking about objections/appeals and I told him the appeal date was past. 4 weeks after intial grant. Grant was two months ago.

      What are his options now, build 4m extension, build 5m and go for retention,
      build 5m anyway, nobody will measure it.
      I dont like the second two. Are they are better options?

      probably not – might point out to the client that an appeal on 1 condition MAY result in the entire permission being turned down … it happens

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