Planning Queries

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    • #707420

      Hi all,

      A friend suggested that I try here to answer two queries that I have.

      1. Does adding a double gate in my boundary wall to allow cars to park in my front garden need planning permission, in general? Theres only a 3 foot pedestrian gate there at the minute and most of my neighbours have added double gates to give off street parking. I’m not sure wether they applied for planning as I’m only in the house a few years.

      2. My neighbours have build an extension ( before my time) to the front and rear of their house. However, the roof (eaves) overhangs into my property. When I bought the house, the vendor mentioned that they gave permission to build on the ‘partie line’ (?), but my mate said that they shouldn’t have croosed over the boundary wall, even if its just the roof. Is this right?

      Thanks for your help


    • #747282

      there’s a really handy illustrated book on the 2001 building regulations (ties in with the 2000 Planning and development act) regarding this type of query available, I can’t remember the name of it off-hand but I am sure someone else here will know the book I am talking about.Think it was written by a planning law barrister…

    • #747283

      Get a qualified architect who knows how to talk to the planners,

      Unilateral action will probably end in tears as all the punters who already carved out their front gardens for parking will object to the loss of visual amenity.

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