planning application question

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    • #709579

      Ok, here’s a question I need answered: One applicant, with an additional cottage on his landholding, which he submits to extend. The entire landholding is outlined in blue, while the cottage to be extended, is outlined in red, it being the subject of the application. There is an existing well which serves both dwellings currently. This is within the blue landholding line. The application was invalidated due to the fact that the well was not outlined in red.
      My reasoning with them when I contested it was, if I was to outline the well in red, that would mean encasing a stretch of land not part of the subject application (it is about 20m from the application site). What if the Applicant chose to sell off the cottage in the future. The planning application would show this piece of land as being part of the cottage. Opinions greatly appreciated.

    • #792463

      In my experience the site as outlined in red does not have to be one conjoined area. You could simply circle the well in red (are you sure the council wil accept a water source that serves two dwellings??? they may ask for independant water supply…..)

    • #792464

      I wasn’t advised that I could do that. They told me it would have to be extended from the site to encircle the well. With having one water source for the two, that wasn’t an issue. I am in Meath, and a lot of one off dwellings have been connecting to family wells on the landholding. Well, SO FAR it hasn’t come up! Thanks for advice yesterday Henno.

    • #792465

      your welcome lisa….
      as far as planning authorities go, ive witnessed so many different interpretations of the regs that ive given up trying to understand their standpoint….. i normally say to clients (where im submitting an application in a county not familar to me) to expect at least 1 invalidation…….

      as you say above, youve been advised that you cannot do this, whereas i have done it on applications…… :confused: :rolleyes:

      i submitted an application 2 years ago for a new dwelling and a new agricultural entrance… both were seperate ‘sites’… i had to outline the dwelling site independent of the entrance ‘site’……(which was only the actual entrance anyway…. this ‘site’ on a 1:2500 was a red dot.. !!!!!!)

      i understand your quandry, i cant catagorically advise you either way… only do as they request…
      and as for arguing with them, i always use the philosphy ‘Never fight with a pig, because the pigs likes getting dirty’……

    • #792466

      Ha ha, like that philosphy and sadly, very apt. You wouldn’t have liked to be a fly on the wall when the pigs started getting dirty in this case. I think I’ve learned my lesson. I was suitably put in my place. 🙁

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