Has anyone noticed that stainless steel poles have begun to appear right beside some existing traffic light poles…ie the new pole stands within 3 inches of the first. I’m wondering if DCC are replacing the older type traffic lights with the nicer ones as per James Joyce Bridge?…possibly only along the quays or something. One example I noticed is at the corner of the DCC Civic Offices beside Merchant’s Quay, but also in a few other places.
Its an ongoing updating scheme. Very welcome too. Can also be seen around the Green. Some of the old posts are ancient looking things. Nice to see stainless steel being used in favour of galvinised. Very much in keeping with our new inSpired street furniture.
First noticed this on the Joyce Bridge but also at the Kilmainham / N4 junction near the Jail.
Since then I have noticed the new lights popping up in countless areas. The poles aren’t that much better in my view but the light clusters themselves are very nice – slightly smaller with more visible lamps.
Yep – they’re cropping up everywhere and are a welcome addition. Some are keeping the old poles but have the new grey light units, such as round the Custom House/IFSC. Think they’re on Abbey St now too. Not only do they look good, but they actually work too, improving the experience for pedestrians with loud sound alerts and working bulbs in the button units etc.
Hopefully they’ll be well maintained.