Luas Capacity

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    • #706974

      As soon as the Luas lines open and are filled to capacity on day 1, whats going to happen. Will Connex the operators have to run the trams more frequently or order more? Or can they blame the Gov.?

    • #742156

      No they just keep raising the fares, surely !

    • #742157

      Is there any way in the world a future feasability study for a large spend on mass transit systems, could include some study into how we could take more kids to school? Without having mummy and daddy in their SUV clogging up major arterial routeways into the city?

      I mean, its a joke. Does anyone notice how little traffic is on the roads around Dublin, since the Easter Holidays for the schools came along? It is like chalk and cheese, particularly around suburban areas.

      Look at all the boy racers out there who have open stretchs of road tar mac in front of them these mornings, now that little paul and sarah are ‘having a lie in’ during the Easter Break… boy those guys with the alloy wheels and tinted glass windows in their Fiesta’s really can burn that rubber when they get a chance eh? And give male drivers a bad name into the bargain.

      However, the problem with cars is, whenever, you find a solution and free up the roads…. more cars always just ‘come along’ out of somewhere to make it worse than it was before… large Road out to Airport in North side being a classic example of that… if any of you can remember back a few years on that road… it used to be a pleasure to drive on when it was first opened… but now it is far from being that.

      I reckon myself, if Dublin city did sort out its traffic problems, you could have more people driving from the outskirts of galway county to work every morning in Terenure. 😉 Landing you right back to where you started all over again. Any benefit at all, which LUAS will provide to freeing up traffic in Dublin city, will very quickly be swallowed up again, by people commuting by car, over further and further distances out into the hinterland, every morning – I can assure you.

      I think the biggest problem with LUAS for me, is that it is ‘reactionary’ to a problem created by car conjestion – rather than being its own independent project, with strategic benefit to the city of Dublin and its inhabitants. Any benefit, that LUAS is going to have towards relieving the conjestion, is going to be as short lived as that in the new Airport Road construction 10 years ago.

      Brian O’ Hanlon.

    • #742158

      Originally posted by garethace

      Look at all the boy racers out there who have open stretchs of road tar mac in front of them these mornings, now that little paul and sarah are ‘having a lie in’ during the Easter Break… boy those guys with the alloy wheels and tinted glass windows in their Fiesta’s really can burn that rubber when they get a chance eh? And give male drivers a bad name into the bargain.

      Careful Brian, you’ll have Andrew on with a post, the length of which would mirror some of yours. Boy racers and modified cars are one of his pet hates :p

    • #742159

      I never actually noticed them myself, until these past few mornings, when they actually get the road, to perform…. whatever it is they are trying to perform…

    • #742160
      Andrew Duffy

      It’s the same as when a baboon points at his big pink backside. Although most of the boy racers seem to be trying to impress other young males…

    • #742161
    • #742162

      On the Easter holiday traffic thing – maybe the Government could have saved a few euros on Luas and the like by instead starting a proper school bus scheme across the city.
      The difference in the traffic the last couple of days is unbelievable.
      Surely a Dublin bus or two allocated to each school would be money well spent compared to the exorbitantly expensive sagas of Luas/ the port tunnel.
      Convincing parents that there may actually be an alternative to driving your little ones a half mile down the road every morning may be another matter.
      Of course in my day you walked if school was close and cycled if it wasn’t.
      Now where’s me pipe and slippers…?

    • #742163

      On the Easter holiday traffic thing – maybe the Government could have saved a few euros on Luas and the like by instead starting a proper school bus scheme across the city.
      The difference in the traffic the last couple of days is unbelievable.
      Surely a Dublin bus or two allocated to each school would be money well spent compared to the exorbitantly expensive sagas of Luas/ the port tunnel.
      Convincing parents that there may actually be an alternative to driving your little ones a half mile down the road every morning may be another matter.
      Of course in my day you walked if school was close and cycled if it wasn’t.
      Now where’s me pipe and slippers…?

    • #742164

      What about starting school earlier like in Germany – I remember going to school for 7.30 over there and finishing at noon-ish and thought nothing of it. Then again we got a train to school so we didn’t add to the congestion. 😀

      With so many families with both parents working I’m not sure it would work here although most employers are more flexible these day. So people could start work after dropping the kids off. So rush hour would start earlier but more spread out!

    • #742165

      when i look at the tracks now they look full up with dirt and rubble im sure someone will go along and clean em up before the luas starts but what happens if a rock gets well stuck in the groove the rail and the luas hit its?

    • #742166

      Well, one of the trams did derail on a test run during the week. I don’t know if this was the cause…

    • #742167
      niall murphy

      where the “derailment” occured was on a ballasted section of track in Ranelagh as far as I know so this wouldn’t be the grooved street running type track. I’d imagine a tram would easily crush any stones or debris in the grooves anyway.

      does anybody know what happened to the Luas talk forum on havent seen it in a few days.

    • #742168

      I saw special rail cleaning gangs cleaning out the rails behind the Four Courts. They were even buffing the tracks with a angle grinder which seems very thorough.

      Apparently the moderators’ day job has created a conflict of interest with him running the Luas section of the site.

      “Certain factors regarding duties for my employer in the computer services industry mean that it would be a conflict of interest for me to be running a LUAS forum for the next few weeks.”

      Very professional! It’s just invisible at the mo and will be back in a couple of weeks.

    • #742169
      Sean Carney

      If you want to solve the traffic problems in Dublin someone use there common sense, decentralise, and I don’t mean a few civil servants, develop the other cities in Ireland to be able to attract companies, offices, sporting events, concerts, etc etc etc. Kop on someone………..
      You would’nt buy a five bedroomed house and live in just one room would you, no of course not, but thats the equivalent as to what ireland is.

    • #742170
      niall murphy

      thats all very good in theory. in reality ireland has a tiny population and I just dont see 200,000 dubs moving to Cork if it were to double in size.

      Go with the underground rail plans. some of them are excellent suggestions, ie: the irish rail Dart interconnector and the Swords metro(call it Dart for god’s sake!)

    • #742171

      on traffic and congestion charges and Foster – some light relief from the lads at

    • #742172

      apologies in advance 😉

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