
Home Forums Ireland Litter

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    • #704853
      Ronan C

      Our litter problem is very very serious indeed and if anybody says any different then they are fools. Our attitude to the environment in general is terrible. I believe that litter should be ranked alongside the problems of traffic congestion and crime in Dublin. The government need to take this problem by the
      (1) Education and awareness campaigns in schools and a national add campaign.
      (2) More prosecutions, focussing more on individuals than companies.
      (3) And most importantly more cleaning.

    • #714679
      Rory W

      Yes so the government can ignore the litter problem at the same level that they ignore the traffic congestion and the crime problem. Here is a novel solution for the litter problem, do you remember in Primary School when you dopped litter you had to go on litter duty and pick up rubbish for a week, well now apply it to adults, if you had to take a few days off work you would think again about littering.

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