Limerick skyscraper…

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    • #707817


    • #755545

      poor limerick…it gets an awful hard time. Granted when I visit I cant say with my hand on my heart that i always feel the safest up there but I still think it gets an unfair hard time.

      In fact its Clarion hotel is one of the nicer highrises in ireland today. i think,

    • #755546

      Great pic Morlan 😀

      Entirely unfair and the oldest picture in the book below – but still funny 🙂

      Does the Clarion still hold the honour of the tallest hotel in Ireland?

    • #755547

      Ahhh yes. I once saw a structure similar to that, not as modern or fancy. I think it was in Waterford I saw it some years back when I visited the place. I believe it’s still there!

    • #755548

      Here are some actual photos of Limerick for those of you who obviously never visited the city…

    • #755549

      and more…

    • #755550

      and more…

    • #755551

      and finally…

    • #755552

      @PaulC wrote:

      and more…
      Attached Images
      File Type: jpg georgian_limerick_o_connell_st.jpg (136.5 KB, 20 views)

    • #755553

      ohh look, there’s that woman from prime time

    • #755554

      Hi Morlan

      I live in Limerick, and I was interested in your picture. I was wondering if this was standard off-the-shelf humour, or a flash of comic brilliance on your part. I was also wondering, while on the subject of sloppy thinking, are there are no bad areas in Edinburgh? People have mentioned names to me such as Pilton, CraigMiller and Niddrie, but I don’t know these places as I have never been there. That, however, as in your own case, shouldn’t deter me from posting humorous pieces about your home town. It shouldn’t, but it will, because I was brought up to have respect for others and not to bray about that with which I am unfamiliar.

      Best regards


    • #755555

      @gregos wrote:

      Hi Morlan

      I live in Limerick, and I was interested in your picture. I was wondering if this was standard off-the-shelf humour, or a flash of comic brilliance on your part. I was also wondering, while on the subject of sloppy thinking, are there are no bad areas in Edinburgh? People have mentioned names to me such as Pilton, CraigMiller and Niddrie, but I don’t know these places as I have never been there. That, however, as in your own case, shouldn’t deter me from posting humorous pieces about your home town. It shouldn’t, but it will, because I was brought up to have respect for others and not to bray about that with which I am unfamiliar.

      Best regards


      Firstly, sorry that I offended you. Secondly, I was born a raised in Dublin near Bray and have enjoyed many a year taking the piss out of my own hometown, not just Limerick. Don’t take it personally. 🙂

      The Edinburgh city centre itself is architecturally well preserved bar a handful of ugly office blocks.. eg Jury’s which is one of the worst (and Irish) and some awful government offices.. but in my opinion it is THE most beautiful city centre in the UK & Ireland.

      A piece of Dublin in the heart of Edinburgh :p

    • #755556

      Hi Morlan.

      Thank you for your response and I respect what you say. However, unfortunately I have to take it personally because this sort of thing has knock-on effects on my children and all others close to me. This entire perception of Limerick began due to laziness on the part of certain journalists. It’s very easy to create subliminal impressions through the selective use of language. This, in fact, is a well-established diplomatic technique. By way of example, I remember Robert Fisk talking some years ago about the protrayal of the Israelis in the media in contrast to the Palestinians. The Palestinians were described as carrying “Soviet-made Kalashnikov AK47 assault rifles” , whereas the Israelis carried almost cartoon-friendly “carbines”. What is my point here? Well let me give you another example. During the recent feud between a few scumbags who happen to live here, RTE main evening news opened with “Armed Gardai on the streets of Limerick”. Powerful stuff indeed and likely to create a strong impression. However, if the same gardai were deployed in, for example, Darndale, do you think RTE would lead with “Armed Gardai on the streets of Dublin”? I don’t think the Dublin-centric media would, actually, because they’d take care to appreciate the nuances of the way they reported events. That’s just a single example. As I said, these easy stereotypes have effects in the real world, right down to the way my children think about themselves.



    • #755557

      saw tht picture on a website a while back, although the caption cracked the same joke with dublin in place of limerick. by now the joke has dried up for me, but i dont think its fair seeing as the clarion is most likely the nicest high rise in ireland, rivaled only by georges quay, at least until heuston gate is completed/started. shame about SJR quay 🙁

    • #755558

      Um Georges Qy Dublin? Which is same height as Liberty Hall and both smaller than County Hall Cork???

    • #755559

      yeah, obviously, you seem puzzled? its a really nice building, much nicer than county hall and just 5 metres lower, when i say its the only rival i am speaking in terms of Ireland of course

    • #755560
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