Laois: Ballyfin House

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    • #707790
      Michael J. OBrien

      Does anyone know the plans for Ballyfin House.
      I believe that it was purchased by a Mr Fred Kabal and he does not plan to turn it into a leisure complex.

      Does he plan to live there and will it be possible to visit.

      I surprised that I was not able to find a good picture of this house on the internet.

    • #752918

      Ballyfin House was included in the National Inventory of Architectural Heritage (NIAH) survey of Co. Laois, carried out by Duchas around 1999 and published subsequently. Most local libraries should have copies of the book, which comes with a cd of images. Otherwise it’s available in bookshops.
      I think the images are on the NIAH website, which is at (I think- maybe .ie?). If not, there should be a link from the DEHLG website, at

      If memory serves, one or both of the Morrisons had a hand in it, which means it’s probably included in the book on them published by the Irish Architectural Archive (and written by Edward McParland?).

      Hope this helps.

    • #752919

      I just checked the site, and it appears that Laois was never published. This is a pity, and surprising, as when I left my job there in 2001 it was sitting in cardboard boxes ready to go. Now why did I leave? Oh that’s right…

      Sorry if I got your hopes up.

      Maybe if you contact the NIAH office directly they could help. The material is certainly in existence.

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