La Feile Padraig!!!!

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    • #706087
      J. Seerski

      Well Happy St. Patricks day to all.

      Top five things to do toady…

      1. Go see if the spire is finished (properly).
      2. Mass.
      3. Drink.
      4. Drink.
      5. I think you can guess….am I stereotypical?

      With all the rubbish on telly about war, its good to have something else in Ireland – a new monument on the Street and some good weather!!

      Oh Yeah, there is a TV programme on tonight about the Spire project and on the Old Nelson’s Column. Its on 7 on RTE or Network 2 I think…

      As they say in Bush Country…”enjoy!”


    • #725303
      Rita Ochoa

      São Patrício (St. Patrick) is also celebrated in Portugal, at all the irish pubs.

      …Of course people here have no idea about who was that english guy but it has been always a good escuse to drink and have some fun… 😉

    • #725304

      Originally posted by Rita Ochoa
      São Patrício (St. Patrick) is also celebrated in Portugal, at all the irish pubs.

      …Of course people here have no idea about who was that english guy but it has been always a good escuse to drink and have some fun… 😉

      I think he was Welsh wasn’t he?

      But since they don’t know who he was I guess its a mute point.

    • #725305
      Paul Clerkin

      will someone please tell me why we are celebrating some guy who came over here and told us what to do 😉

    • #725306

      Is that not a moot point, the other type being not able to speak

    • #725307

      I wonder Paul,whether they will be celebrating April 23 in Iraq?
      – anyway – can anyone come close to understanding what CIE are up to? – Tara St DART sation closed today!- really defies logic

    • #725308
      Paul Clerkin

      They do that normally – its a safety thing.

    • #725309
      Rita Ochoa

      Welsh ? I didn’t know that… but then, I’m portuguese!

    • #725310

      Very impressive arial view of the BoI on College Green on telly yesterday with the coverage of the parade, from a massive ‘Height for Hire’. Unlike RTE to go to such efforts to appriciate the city or indeed anything related to our built surroundings. The city centre did look resplendent however on camera, which is more than can be said for this morning…

    • #725311

      Reading the various comments on the state of the city centre post St Patricks Day parade, Im reminded of the situation here in Geneva after the annual Lake Parade. Additional recycling bins are located along the whole route for glass, cans etc. The big clean up takes place overnight and you genuinely would not know it had taken place the following morning. Local papers subsequently proudly report on the job done and detail the amount recycled compared to previous years etc. Although Swiss, Geneva is a multinational city (only one third are natives), there is a pride among all in keeping the place clean, particularly after big events in the city centre. A pride we sadly lack.

    • #725312

      Reading the various comments on the state of the city centre post St Patricks Day parade, Im reminded of the situation here in Geneva after the annual Lake Parade. Additional recycling bins are located along the whole route for glass, cans etc. The big clean up takes place overnight and you genuinely would not know it had taken place the following morning. Local papers subsequently proudly report on the job done and detail the amount recycled compared to previous years etc. Although Swiss, Geneva is a multinational city (only one third are natives), there is a pride among all in keeping the place clean, particularly after big events in the city centre. A pride we sadly lack.

    • #725313

      Every year we have this discussion about Litter after the parade. I dont understand why the hell more bins are not put in place for just that one day.
      There must be a good reason for not doing so, I am assuming I am missing something here.

    • #725314
      Rita Ochoa

      terrorism ?

    • #725315

      Remember, the Irish are dirty too……….as stereotypes go.
      Regarding terrorism it’s a laugh to see that the Republic of Ireland has no airforce to protect our emerald shores….we rely on the RAF across the water ….so much for Independance…..come on Man U and Liverpool…anyone see Coronation St. last night….Brits out by the way….such ironies!
      Keeping to the point of architecture and civics did’nt St Patricks Day in Dublin , the capital city of Ireland go down well …….what a great success. Well done to the festival organisers and to mother nature for keeping the weather so good and sunny. It is a good basis to go by and it can only get better from now on… about having something for New Year’s Eve celebrations etc……
      Also did’nt the backdrop (ie the buildings down the docks) to the fireworks look insignificant….a new emerging space in the city and it looks so bland….thanks to Peter Coyne and the DDDA. No chance of getting
      Jean Michel Jarre and his lazer show to perform there.

    • #725316

      Exactly, why was the use of the Custom House as a backdrop/feature of the display abandoned? It was used in the first 1/2 years of the Skyfest and looked spectacular, esp for footage to be shown abroad.
      The city looked pathetic at the location chosen, just a couple of low rise, sprawling ‘global’ style buildings to flank the Liffey’s most impressive course.

      Or why are city centre quays not used? (is the answer to that too obvious? ie sound pollution) It’s only one night for God’s sake, for 10 minutes!

    • #725317

      I think they moved it further down the quays to accomodate more people, they couldn’t allow people to stand on the north quays when they were being fired from the roof of the custom house, although i completely agree, it made a fantastic backdrop.

      Would be great to see a spectacular display on O’Connell Street when it all comes together, but i doubt that the incredibly cautious gardai would allow it …

    • #725318

      I agree whole heartedly…

    • #725319

      might it be a good idea to have the fire works on a barge in the bay and allow people to line up from howth to sandymount dtrand to see tham against the backdrop of a black sky?

    • #725320
      J. Seerski


      They had a massive Fireworks celebration on O’Connell Street in the late 1920’s to celebrate WT. Cosgrave’s (President)diplomatic victory after the “Balfour Declaration” – which inevitably allowed us to become a Republic.

      The Fireworks occurred immediately before the GPO – many attached to Nelson’s Pillar.

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