kilmainham mill

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  • This topic has 13 replies, 8 voices, and was last updated 20 years ago by Anonymous.
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    • #705563

      I have found the perfect place for the interactive science museum: Kilmainham Mill!

      Science Museums are a good use of old industrial buildings, and this one could include a museum of milling too. I guess the fact the OPW doesn’t own it is problem, but with Stack House A being turned into Rodeo Drive and the Magazine Fort into an archive, it is the next best choice.

    • #719994

      Nice idea but access to Kilmainham Mill is only via the very narrow bollarded off Roserstown Lane for a science museum that would undoubtedly attract thousands as witness and visit W5 at the Odyssey Belfast.

      Thorntons restaurant (currently situated along the nearby Grand Canal) are supposedly interested in expanding by acquiring the old mill to provide a much needed local and tourism facility i.e. a top class restaurant. The infamous IAP (Miss Mary Taylor “manager”!!) for Kilmainham also failed (despite local advice) to include this old mill along with St Jude’s spire / site and the old 18th C congregational church as “targeted sites” for development !! as a result there are not too many interested people in there much needed development. The ideal site for an interactive science museum in Kilmainham “Dublin’s museum district”
      ( Kilmainham Gaol, RHK and Great War Memorial museum towers) is the 4 acre site opposite Kilmainham Gaol …now that is where something to rival W5 in Belfast could and should be built.

    • #719995

      How about the Shackleton Mills in Strawberry Beds for the Museum?

    • #719996

      I take your point about access, you’d need to buy up what every that industrial building is just south of the Cammock and put a multistory carpark and a footbridge in. Looking on Mapflow maybe it isn’t as a big as I thought, how big is the site? How big are the buildings? I have only every seen the chimney. What about Clancy Barracks?

      I don’t know this Shackleton Mill at all, what’s there?

    • #719997

      Shackleton’s Mill

      Clancy Barracks has already been sold for high density redevelopment.

    • #719998
      Luke Gardnier

      Indeed old boy, the Shackleton Mills in Lucan could also be partly used as a museum in its own right to Kildare’s Sir Earnest Shackleton himself and that other unsung Irish hero (only in their own land) Kerry’s Antartic explorer Tom Creen.

    • #719999
      Luke Gardnier


      Conducted tour of Shackleton’s Flour Mills, Lucan currently being conserved by Fingal County Council

      Saturday 7th September @ 3pm.

    • #720000
      Paul Clerkin

      I’m so there….

    • #720001

      that Shackleton’s Flour Mills place is spookey. i instaled a payroll package there circa 1988. most of the stuf they produced went to Roma foods.

    • #720002

      killmainham mill is going to be apartments. a big waste in my view.

    • #720003

      this plan is such a waste after all the original good intentions . . .

    • #720004

      DCCs IAP for Kilmainham is just about integrating any space or building into bland apartment blocks all the talk in 2000 of a tourism railway linking all historic sites, blah blah… “enhancement of the public realm” more blah blah …every statement of the IAP had turned out to be one big con.

    • #720005

      Anyone see the poor condition of the courthouse here in Kilmainham, beside the historic Gaol. It’s a f**king disgrace to put it bluntly. A period building that represents the law of the land: it’s main door daubed with graffitti and minus a letter box, it’s fine plasterwork interior decaying with damp and mould as the pigeons make a coop via the roof opening. Shame on the ”uppity” and ”cultured” judges who sit in judgement, but who never bleat a word of it’s neglected condition. Shame on the conservation groups too.
      Gas all the furore about the proposed development across the road which has stalled …it remains a derelict site, an eyesore for all the tourists to see as they daily visit the Gaol.

    • #720006

      How about the Shackleton Mills in Strawberry Beds for the Museum?

      The word on the street is that Shackleton’s Mills are to be more apartments…but then again, another word on the street is that it’s to be a river kayaking hostel/river museum…I need to get new contacts

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