interior design vs architecture

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    • #705678

      A friend of mine is thinking of going back to college to study interior design/interior architecture in Dublin. The course she is looking at, is in Griffith College and is 4 years long and quite expensive.
      Do you think she should just study architecture altogether, as alot of architects diverge to interior design anyway or is the course in Griffith college worth it?
      For example, the people in your office who deal with the interiors, did they do architecture or interior design in college?

    • #720754

      Four years study – thats a lot of curtain fabric. 😉

    • #720755

      come on!
      Is interior design a waste of time or not?

    • #720756
      Luke Gardnier

      Go and view the interiors at Beacons Court Sandyford. It shows that by including the interior designer as part of the ‘design team’ from early on more than the average pots and plants and the now mandatory lump of iron in the foyer can emerge into the built environment.

      Interior design is totally dependent on the developer’s brief and if he considers it seriously or even important. As most development is speculative the interior design is not high on the agenda no more than the architectural finish or profile is a lot of the time.

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