How to lodge a Submission

Home Forums Ireland How to lodge a Submission

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    • #708211

      How can I lodge a submission to a development that is for retention? This development is a front of house extension and it is classified as a UD. The original file number that is the root of this development stipulated certain conditions but the applicants built irregardless and applied for retention. No link to the original file has been made in their new application and considering it also carries an enforcement notice, I wondered if this is dismissed with now or does it it still applicable for me to raise these points in a submission. What criteria ought I follow.

      Thanks for your help. I appreciate it immensely.

      Thomand Park has given me some advice but I’m basically looking to link this new application for retention to the original file and am I justified in doing this or will the planning authority look unfavourably on it.

      I just don’t know what options are open to me and what rights i have left, if any.

    • #762928

      It must be submitted within the statutory time limit, i.e. 5 weeks from the date of application. The type of permission sought is immaterial.
      You can of course include reference to the previous case- best bet is usually to spell out carefully the case history as you see it, from day one without being too long-winded, including reference numbers where appropriate. Then detail why you think the development is unacceptable in planning terms (avoid over-personalising it- usually counter-productive).
      If you’re having difficulty, engage a planning consultant. This is their bread and butter and it would be money well spent. I don’t mean any offence by this, but I get the feeling you’re almost too close to this case and too wound up about it to be objective. A consultant would have the necessary objectivity, distance and knowledge to craft the objection you require.

      See the Dublin City Council website for further assistance- they have pretty good ‘how to’ guides to your role in the planning system.

      Good luck.

    • #762929

      If you have missed the objection window you can still seek enforcement of the original condition which has been breached. The 7 year limit does not apply to non-compliance with conditions and it seems unlikely that any planning authority would permit something which they had expressly conditioned out in an previous application.

      If there is still time to object then consult the planner’s report from the original permission – this will give you the detailed reasoning behind the original condition – useful ammunition to be cited in your objection.

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