housing projects

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    • #706345

      can anyone think of a recent housing development in ireland or anywhere really which was built on a steeply sloping site?

      i’m trying to get some examples for a project i’m doing.

      i’ve already looked at rokko housing and i’m not sure its where i’d like to go with it.

      thanks for any help

    • #734774

      This house by Mc Garry Ni Einneagh is on a steep slope…if that’s any help….scroll along to the right until you find private house

    • #734775

      There is a great scheme in Cork which an riai regional award about 3 years ago. Its done by Cork City Co. Its on the roadstone calendar for this month, can get more infowhen I get to my kitchen

    • #734776

      Visit Killenarden, particularly Donomore Avenue up in Tallaght.
      The Corpo built a whole housing estate on the side of the Dublin mountains back in the late 70’s, early 80’s.
      See the front and back gardens and their steep slope; a struggle for the tenants with a push mower to ‘cut the grass’.
      (Gas the way we say that in Ireland as opposed to ‘mow the lawn’)
      I have a sister who once lived there.

    • #734777
      Brian Hanson

      Sligo town has a couple of estates running up the side of the surrounding hills

    • #734778

      Just up the old Lucan road from the Bridge Inn in Chapelizod is a newly completed development and its on the steepest incline / elevation I have seen in sometime and I must say looks very well but I would sure hate to climb all those steps fronting the development especially after a night in the Bridge Inn !!

    • #734779

      The Bridge Inn ….a great auld pub….immortalized by Joyce in his novels and me father and me uncles too.

    • #734780

      cheers mich. i think the one you mean is neil hegartys scheme on barrack street. its well done and fits in well i reckon.

      i’ve seen that house my mc garry etc before. i love the way it opens up to the landscape, and the use of materials.

      thanks everyone else. cant get to sligo or tallaght at the mo but i’ll keep em in mind. if you can think of the name of the architect for that site by the bridge inn, or any similar projects come to mind i’d appreciate it

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