heuston station
- This topic has 18 replies, 11 voices, and was last updated 22 years, 11 months ago by
February 1, 2002 at 3:47 pm #705221
sean cain
ParticipantI am looking for plans for heuston station. anyone have any ideas where i can obtain them. dublin corporations sets are copyrighted?
February 1, 2002 at 5:00 pm #718233
Participantcontact Iarnrod Eireann Architects….
February 2, 2002 at 3:58 pm #718234
ParticipantBrian O’Halloran and Associates are architects for recent work at Heuston Station.
February 5, 2002 at 11:15 am #718235
ParticipantDespite the recent works….the much needed makeover is really good and quite contemporary….Hueston Station itself however is very small and ‘pokey’ is’nt it …. (although it is a train station and not a pub but ever see the size of the bar). It would be good if they could finish the overall makeover, …and maybe get some decent rolling stock too…..jesus what are they doing with the mountains of EU money and all the tax revenue. That Tara Street redevelopment proposal looks a great concept….It’s interiors look airy and roomy and what a great landmark….that shiney glass looks sexy. hope they build it…..however it’s bound to meet objections.
[This message has been edited by GregF (edited 05 February 2002).]
February 5, 2002 at 9:54 pm #718236
Participantit already has (not from me, by the way)
February 11, 2002 at 11:00 pm #718237
ParticipantWhy , oh why can CIE not keep their stations clean? Even Clontarf Road and Grand Canal Dock stations have already become shabby and dirty.
God love CIE, but can they not acquire some decent station furniture? – their hodge -podge of corrugated iron and tube metal structures may look ok (just about) on a farm but they look dreadful.
Shame that CIE bashing is so easy -
February 12, 2002 at 2:20 pm #718238
Rory W
ParticipantWhy blame CIE – its the filthy Irish that drop the litter. Why oh why can’t the filthy Irish stop dropping litter would be a better line vitruvius!
(Although consistency in furniture would be nice)
[This message has been edited by Rory W (edited 12 February 2002).]
February 12, 2002 at 2:34 pm #718239
ParticipantIt’s not simply a case of the filthy Irish piggies – there seems to be no sense of corporate responsibility for litter in Ireland. For example foothpaths in front of, and stone frontages of, the Westin Hotel and Fireworks nightclub are constantly vomit strewn. I would have thought that the management of these places would at least be houseproud and get someone to clear up the mess – 5 minutes with a power washer!
February 13, 2002 at 10:53 am #718240
Rory W
ParticipantAh but who puts the puke there in the first place – us mad paddies with our raving drink problem. The businesses pay rates to the local authority to clean the place up – why should they pay double.
I don’t know how to solve the vomit problem in this town – anybody got suggestions (other than free “Rennies” for anyone who drinks Budweiser)?
February 13, 2002 at 12:07 pm #718241
Participant…..Oh Vitruvius……teacher and mentor of Leonardo……It is the case of THE DIRTY IGNORANT IRISH….please wake up to it….and take responsibilty….if everyone did …it would eradicate the problem of dirt and litter.
[This message has been edited by GregF (edited 13 February 2002).]
February 13, 2002 at 12:46 pm #718242
Participanti thought the irish had already solved their rubbish problem, isn’t that what the canal is designed for?
February 18, 2002 at 9:57 am #718243
ParticipantThere gonna build new and much needed platforms at Hueston Station, making it bigger and better….hurray!
February 19, 2002 at 8:16 am #718244
Participantshall they be designing ‘anti-grushy’ for the train barriers. hate seeing the aulones getting trampled on getting on and off the train. it’s all a bit chaotic.
February 20, 2002 at 9:10 pm #718245
Participant..the self loathing of Greg and Rory makes me wanna vomit (although perferably not over the Weston)- get to grips with your Nationality boys – your comments are counterproductive otherwise…Read in The Irish Times last weekend that spanking new litter wardens with real powers are about to be unleashed on a trial basis in 3 or 4 of our filthy towns
February 21, 2002 at 9:39 am #718246
Participant…I don’t need you WhiteCube to preach to me about my nationality….my love for my country Ireland is unmeasureable …like that of Padraig Pearse for the Virgin and most pure Mary, Posh for Becks, Tristan for Isolde, Gaybo for Kathleen, Bertie for Man Utd……..It is with so much love and from this love with true reflection that I can comment on the state of this nation state….and good on me ye say. Nothing is a sacred cow…..open your eyes and wake up to reality. When push comes to shove I will be there with green scarf around neck to cheer on the boys in green…..or rifle in arms to defend from oppressors or sweeping brush in hand to protect this little sacred and green isle from litter louts. Where will you be ….but probably hiding under your bed……po on head.
Is Mise le Meas
Gregoir[This message has been edited by GregF (edited 21 February 2002).]
February 21, 2002 at 12:56 pm #718247
Rory W
ParticipantIt is only because we love Ireland so much that we the right to complain – I neither loath myself nor my country.
The only thing I loath is our attitude to litter/mess which is extremely childish i.e. why cant the city council clean it up. We have to be more reponsible for our behaviour and not expect to have a mother figure chasing after us cleaning up afterwards.
Is mise
Rory WPS WhiteCube in what way is telling the truth counterproductive?
February 21, 2002 at 1:11 pm #718248
ParticipantTo add …whilst travelling home last night on the public transport bus service I saw two little gurriers of teenagers years spitting and guffawing, throwing their filth around, scrawling their names on the seats and windows much to the dismay of the startled and inactive passangers.They then attempted to vandalise the bus further by trying to set it alight of which I then interjected and landed both of them a box or two for good measure. Both were then thrown off the bus by the driver. Some of us Irish lack civility….and some of us fail to see the lack of it.
[This message has been edited by GregF (edited 21 February 2002).]
February 21, 2002 at 6:08 pm #718249
ParticipantWhitecube, you have to admit that we Irish do have a bit of a lack of civic pride, parts of the country are filthy and shabby and some people JUST DON’T CARE! Outsiders are constantly shocked by it, a bit of tidiness, cleanliness and consideration for others wouldn’t go amiss. The politicians should take a lead. It is not a question of loving your country.. it’s just how much you do.. Anyone who really does would take a bit of pride in it..
February 23, 2002 at 4:56 pm #718250
Participant..ok we’re all in agreement that litter is a serious problem here in Ireland – unfortunatly not every steet or train can be equipped with someone like Greg to box the ears off these offenders! What is clear though is that The Powers that Be need to introduce some drastic measures that spell out littering is unacceptable, antisocial behaviour..a “I blame the parents” attitude will get us nowhere – Irish people are no more genetically inclined to litter than anyone else – its a matter of educating people on the implications and penalties (ie fines or name & shame?)of their behaviour…
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