Harcourt Street Garda Station

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    • #705094

      The front yard of Harcourt St Garda Station seriously needs to be relaid out. At the moment it is full of bushes and used as a tip for rubbish.

    • #716933
      Ronan C

      Could’nt agree more, I passed by it recently and I thought the condition of the front courtyard was a disgrace especially for a government body such as the Gardai. This surly must be a great opportunity for the OPW architects to do their magic !!

    • #716934
      Rory W

      Is this Harcourt street (Stalinist style opposite the PoD & special branch HQ) or Harcourt Terrace (next to the canal and by that row of Regency style houses off Adelaide Road). The Harcourt Street Block could do with demolition to make it more attractive.

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