Foundation advice

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    • #708098

      Hi, I am involved in a building project in which there is 6 foot of bog to the mud. I am aware that bog/peat soils corrode limestone which is 7 Euro a ton and hence have been advised to use sand stone at 12 Euro/ton.
      My question is how quickly will acidic soil like bog corrode limestone, is this nonsense and should I proceed with the limestone or is there an other suitable stone which could be used?.

    • #761155

      @Paud wrote:

      Hi, I am involved in a building project in which there is 6 foot of bog to the mud. I am aware that bog/peat soils corrode limestone which is 7 Euro a ton and hence have been advised to use sand stone at 12 Euro/ton.
      My question is how quickly will acidic soil like bog corrode limestone, is this nonsense and should I proceed with the limestone or is there an other suitable stone which could be used?.

      My advice would be to consult a structural engineer with PI

    • #761156

      I would second that! If you get it wrong it’s going to cost you some serious underpinning or even demolition at a later date.

      I am not sure how it works over in Ireland, but if you are early stages before you have involved a Structural Engineer, can you consult with a local Building Control Officer or do your Building Codes provide any guidance?

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