Dublin Rail Plan

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    • #707311

      The Platform11 campaign has set up a new website http://www.extendthedart.com to clarify what the term interconnector means, as it does sound a little technical.

      The site is still under construction but even in its basic form it is worth a view.

      Any thoughts?:)

    • #745773

      Excellent idea as connects with all existing services.

      Dublin doesn’t need a ‘metro’.

      We have DART, extending it is the way to go!

      P.S. this was the original plan till government binned it in 1987 and left us only one Dart Line.

      Not mad about Airport using Dundalk/Belfast line, seriously congested as is.

    • #745774

      Would you use the airport to city centre metro link ?

      Waste of money I think.

      Good stuff on your site, platform 11.

    • #745775

      Here’s to P11

      The original Metro idea linking Steve’s Green with the Airport is a total waste of money. I’m very much in support of P11’s proposals. What about the rest of you? Do you have any objections to P11’s Interconnector??

    • #745776

      on-line petition now up:

      Please sign this on-line petition for a proper underground rail network for Dublin and Leinster, which will cost €700 million less that the RPA’s Airport Metro:


      then pass it on to everybody you know.

      Platform11 – Ireland’s National Rail Users Organisation

    • #745777
      Rory W

      Still think there should be a line from Glasnevin Junction to the airport via Ballymun and then on to Balbriggan via Swords (a huge population unserved by rail transport), rather than the already congested northern suburban line spur.

    • #745778
      Rory W

      Still think there should be a line from Glasnevin Junction to the airport via Ballymun and then on to Balbriggan via Swords (a huge population unserved by rail transport), rather than the already congested northern suburban line spur.

    • #745779

      P11 Comms…two changes I would offer…

      1. When you vote, the email sent to the various parties only includes a link for http://www.platform11.org…I would suggest that this should also include a link to the http://www.extendthedart.com site instead…or possibly not even bother with the platform 11 website. Looking at the Plat 11 site, it appears rather confusing and propagandaist, whereas the extendthedart site is easier to read and appears more honest and less of a rant.

      2. Many people I know have access to email, but not internet…it would be benefitial to also have a circular that catches those people…possibly this could be done, by sending a second email to all that register, with P11 explanation stuff, and sample letter, etc, for that purpose??

      Otherwise, well done…great idea!

    • #745780
      Andrew Duffy

      I’ve been working on a schematic map of the Dublin Rail Plan for a few days; it’s not on the extendthedart site (yet):


      Any comments, corrections are welcome, but I won’t add any new stations to it unless they are definitely going ahead.

    • #745781

      P11 Comms…I received the below email…

      Many thanks for your email.

      It is Deputy Jim Glennon’s policy however, only to respond to Email
      correspondents who disclose a full postal address and/or a landline phone
      number, and I would be obliged to hear from you in this regard.


      I did supply a full postal address, but she possibly means that she would also like a telephone number. Possibly your email vote should include this?? Possibly it should suggest that people enter a full land address??

    • #745782

      Originally posted by Andrew Duffy
      I’ve been working on a schematic map of the Dublin Rail Plan for a few days; it’s not on the extendthedart site (yet):

      Can I take it that you’ve joined Platform 11?

    • #745783
      Andrew Duffy

      No. I’m reluctant to join an organisation that has its steering committee make snide remarks on Internet bulletin boards; however I think IÉ’s plan is the only realistic way this city will ever get a quality rail system, and the dearth of PR for it is astounding.

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