Dublin Postal Districts

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    • #710635

      I have been searching for something like this for about the last 10 years. Wikipedia rocks.


      Yeah, I know someone will post a link now to An Post website, with a really cool map or something. Well, I try.

      Brian O’ Hanlon

    • #808202

      never looked in the back of the yeller pages?

    • #808203

      Thanks for making me look like a complete wally. To be honest, I never saw the diagram (map isn’t quite the correct term) before in my life. But I imagine that for a lot of the city’s dwellers the diagram means a great deal.

      I wonder what Ballyfermot did to deserve being isolated there, all by its lonesome. It reminds me a bit about Leitrim. When all the other counties were named, whatever was left over they called it Leitrim.

      I also notice the agressive looking ‘spike’ shape of 6W, that was fought over tooth and nail. I wonder how many poor dwelling owners found themselves left out of the spike?

      I didn’t realise either how large D4 is. It being so exclusive, you would expect it to be the little ‘island’ rather than Ballyfermot. Goes to show how little I know.


    • #808204

      There was actually a really neat one that I found back when we were moving to Dublin, where the areas were actually overlayed onto a proper street map, dead handy… It seems to have disappeared since, but I’ll keep looking. I guess if you’ve always lived in Dublin it’s probably not something you would need or even think about much…

    • #808205

      A person replied at this thread here:


      With a link to an interesting video about the London Tube Map and its history.


      To me, that is the major difference between Dublin and London as cities. We are still waiting in Dublin for a time in which a ‘tube map’ is a major important diagram for understanding our city. But if I was to choose something in Dublin which came close in importance to the city dwellers, as a diagram, I would choose the postal map of Dublin. I think it defines how many of the residents think about the city. I may be wrong, but it seems quite important, in terms of rents etc. And not only rents on their own, but speed and ease of turnover of tenants etc.

      What I wouldn’t mind seeing is the four local authority areas, overlaid on the the postal districts map. I saw the posters around Dublin City to get involved in the new development plan for Dublin city. I promised myself I would get some submission together for that at least, with some drawings. But in the end I didn’t. It would be cool if UCD What Now? workshops could integrate this study somehow into their work this summer.

      Brian O’ Hanlon

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