Dept Of Education

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    • #705646

      They have taken down hoarding at the dept of education on Marlboro St (across from the Pro Cathedral). They have it nicely landscaped and have included a big hand sculpture. They have also cleaned the back of a building that I think fronts onto Gardinar Street. Looks really well. Worth checking out if you are in the area.

    • #720593

      I tried to go in for a look around one day but was stopped and told that only Dept of Education staff were allowed – A pity!

    • #720594

      I saw this on Friday and they done a good job restoring the main building after it was burned down after they had only restored it…..the hand sculpture looks good too……..what does it symbolize I wonder,…..a helping hand?

    • #720595

      agreed emf
      city centre is starved of public spaces.
      seems a pity that it is reserved for the employees of the department of Education.
      Like most things, it probably comes down to insurance cover & threat of vandalism

    • #720596

      i think that there are plans to open the grounds of the department to the public and that the council will create a new pedestrian route through the grounds as part of the o’connell street integrated area plan? … anyone else hear the same? maybe they’ve changed their minds …

    • #720597

      Yes I heard that as well. Its supposed to consist of a new look Cathedarl St and Malborough St (saw a DCC tender for this ages ago but that was the last of it). Also an upgare to Foley Street (paralell to Talbot St) including all those new developments there as well as the park redesign. Big ideas but lets not hold out breath.

    • #720598

      The Pro Cathedral looks well after its facelift too! Marlborough St. is already showing signs of improvement. Although I’m still not sure about the new An Bord Pleanala offices. Better than an empty gap and a big improvement on the Eircom bunker opposite I suppose. I wonder if this Eircom building is part of any architects portfolio??

    • #720599

      I’m not convinced about the Bord Pleanala offices either. I would have expected a lot more of them considering they’ve had their hands in ruining many the scheme, which was of far more merit.
      I vaguely remember Frank McDonald writing an article extolling the good points of the building but saying that they had a very limited budget.

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