Define “Irish” Contemporary Architecture

Home Forums Ireland Define “Irish” Contemporary Architecture

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    • #705315

      have we a irish design style? how does the rest of europe define irish architecture at present?

      all our young architectural students must be structuring their design strategy on something , what is it? and will they be able to apply their new found skills in Ireland ? …

      there are examples of contemporary architecture in ireland carried out by irish architects but is it irish or euro retro / hand me down detailing we have adopted to appear more modern ..?

      [This message has been edited by Kenny (edited 18 May 2002).]

    • #719050

      Why have you posted the same inane topic twice, with minor differences.
      When has there ever been a ‘captain’ of design, and without one, are we really at sea.
      There is plenty of ‘vernacular’ contemporary architecture in Ireland, Kenneth Frampton suggests that the new Irish architects are among the most innovative in the world, if you dont know who they are or havent seen their work, then whats the point

    • #719051

      mk no matter how inane you may find the topic,i am glad to see it has been responded to. for the record i am not trying to knock irish architecture, but find that the architectural progress would appear to kept for commercial / public buildings while the main body of structures / homes are left to become production line models.
      Why not bring the ingenious of our architetcs to the main population who at present do not know of the people to whom you refer.. our architects are not “known” in the home …in denmark its different because it has been encouraged… design awarness has become a cultural asperation ..
      and again what have we to loose?. architecture for the those “in the know” is like a painting in a closet!

    • #719052

      Most paintings are in elaborate closets, called museums.

    • #719053


      Who pissed in your corn flakes?

      I have yet to read one interesting thought from you. All you do is bitch! You give out to a student in the JOBS section about wasting space in this architectural forum trying to find work. Take a look in the mirror because your words are trash and I would rather read an engineers report than listen to you moan. Grow up and take you complaints to another forum!

    • #719054

      an irish practice have recently won the british high density housing award, congrats to them excellent news…. but i cant help but feel its a bit of a kick in the teeth to this designer when fmcd goes on tv celebrating the high density designs of amsterdam and advocating that dublin should follow in its footsteps… which goes back to my initial comment … euro or amsterdam retro? its so openly being advocated … why isnt the RIAI etc taking a more open approach to forward irish architects IN ireland, or are we producing for export.
      the opw seem to be pushing ahead with things modern , even the latest block they’re letting in dublin is a contemporary refurb.
      bring the new irish architects to the people, get the AAI on tv , give duncan the back seat for a while and show the whole menu!!!!!!

    • #719055
      thomas o brien

      Contemporary irish architecture could be defined as architecture being created in ireland at the moment. what more do you want- pillars for the people?

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