Conservation Question

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    • #708681

      Can anybody give me a few examples from Dublin of protected structures which have fallen through the ‘conservation net’?

      I’m thinking I suppose of Georgian period middle to lower ranking structures. Perhaps where unauthorised development has taken place (e.g. windows replaced/railings/fanlights removed/internal gutting/alloweto become derilict) without enforcement action or with ineffective enforcement?

      (I’m helping someone who is preparing a paper on the gap between conservation theory and practice and I’m not familiar enough with the City myself – any help appreciated) 🙂

    • #778077
      a boyle

      i know it is not very helpfull, but just look you know , like everywhere!

    • #778078

      @a boyle wrote:

      i know it is not very helpfull, but just look you know , like everywhere!

      I know, know – but I need a couple of examples to direct him to – I can’t suggest a walkabout because he has limited time – and doesn’t have enough local knowledge- so I am trying to give him a couple (well maybe 6) addresses so he can photograph them and then check their planning history.

      Another possible example might be a protected structure which was deleted from the register by our esteemed Councillors (doffs hat) for no obvious reason (and which might subsequently have been ‘redeveloped’.)

      Any takers?

    • #778079

      Gardiner Street could be a runner surely? Lots of Georgian townhouses used as B&B accommodation. Havn’t been there for ages, but I’d imagine there’s plenty of PVC windows to see. (hopefully I’m wrong on this though:) )

      Bolton Street, Capel Street & Dorset Street too perhaps??

    • #778080

      `Thanks djm

      Now that you have pointed it out Gardiner Street is obvious – just didn’t occur to me – my student friend will visit today.

      It looks very promising on paper (have just confirmed protected status of structures from Dev Plan Map and that many structures appear not to have an associated planning file – although many have)

      Thanks for the post – I will post pics of anything of interest.:)

    • #778081

      What about the art deco factory on East Wall Road that was demolished on a bank holiday. Its turned out not to have had any protected status. Cant remember the name of it…made candles or paper or something,

    • #778082

      That was Archers Garage Stephen C. Think the developer was the head of Bord Failte at the time…

    • #778083

      DJM, StephenC is referring to a different building. It was demolished more recently as far as I am aware. I recall seeing more discussion of it on another thread here before, but not entirely sure what the title of it was.

    • #778084

      Wasn’t it the Wiggins Teape building?

    • #778085

      Spot on, KB.

      There’s also the more general debate around removing PSs from the RPS. DCC added quite a few structures to the RPS on foot of the 2000 Act and have recently been attempting to have them removed, though afaik it’s been stalled a while. The reason, I believe, was that they felt that the buildings would be better covered by ACA designation (though the history of ACAs in this country wouldn’t give you much cause for optimism), mainly as the original reasons for their inclusion in the RPS were things like original windows and railings, i.e. were considered to dilute the real meaning of a PS in law. An article I’ve cited elsewhere on this site is one from the Irish Planning and Environmental Law Journal by John Gore-Grimes on the problems of PS designation- deals particularly with the wholesale transfer of former Lists of buildings onto the RPS, and the associated problems of a lack of a Scale of Protection (List 1, List 2, List 2*, etc.) in the new form.

      I can think of plenty of buildings that shouldn’t have had PVC inserted, but few where they had been PSs previously. Just look at the Mespil Flats along the banks of the Grand Canal to see how insensitive windows in individual flats can destroy the external harmony of a multiple-occupancy building. Not sure whether it is/was a PS (separate PSs?), though. Anyone else know? I know Devin wrote about part of it here before.

      One example from beyond Dublin was a pier in Co Clare which was recommended for inclusion but turned down by the Councillors after a heated debate, stating that the pier only fulfilled five (?) of the eight criteria for PS designation, i.e. implying that all eight should be fulfilled before a structure can become a PS. But how many buildings in this island can seriously claim to fulfil Cultural, Scientific, Technical, Historic etc.? None, I’d wager. Turns out the pier was due to be redeveloped to serve a particular industry that intended to relocate in Co Clare, and PS designation would have scuppered this. (I’m hazy on the details- perhaps another member could clarify/confirm?)

      Maybe search this site for “Mespil / PVC” posts by Devin, and for “Gore-Grimes / Protected Structure” by me? Sorry I don’t have time to do this just now.

      Keep us posted on the results, thanks.

    • #778086

      My appologies for that. Thanks phil, I wasn’t aware of that case at all I’m afraid!

      A quick search on Google brought up the following though:

    • #778087

      Ctesiphon wrote ‘
      Maybe search this site for “Mespil / PVC” posts by Devin, and for “Gore-Grimes / Protected Structure” by me? Sorry I don’t have time to do this just now.

      Keep us posted on the results, thanks.[/QUOTE]

      Thanks for the post ctesiphon – I’m already chasing the Gore Grimes article (or ‘Grimey’ as he preferred to be called 😀 )

      Will also look up the other lead on the factory building and the Clare example.

      Have trawled through Devin’s pvc posts (hard going – so very very depressing) and intend to look a the Ormond Quay example across from the DCC Planning Department.

      Also the sad deriliction and pvc’ing of Beresfort Place.

    • #778088

      The Clare example (Cahercon Pier):

      First a Clare Champion Article:

      Minutes of Ballymagash Meeting (see Item 9):

      And more uplifting stuff from a local website:

    • #778089

      Looks like I got more than a few of the details wrong, not least my dimmer view of some councillors than was fair. Still, the main point about it being a PS with a complicated history is true.:o

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