Blanchardstown Masterplan

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    • #710154

      Green property has major plans for the blancherstown site, with two more high rises planned and plenty more retail space to be made available over the coming years. Some of the land is just grassland which hasnt been used for development yet but what worrys me is that they be taking alot of car parking space to turn into a retail development. Blancherstown at the moment has poor transport links and we all know how mad it is to getting parking there but how are they going compensate for the lost spaces when transport links are so bad.:eek::eek:

      Have a render of the development plan, what do yous think???

    • #803209

      @johnny21 wrote:

      Green property has major plans for the blancherstown site, with two more high rises planned and plenty more retail space to be made available over the coming years. Some of the land is just grassland which hasnt been used for development yet but what worrys me is that they be taking alot of car parking space to turn into a retail development. Blancherstown at the moment has poor transport links and we all know how mad it is to getting parking there but how are they going compensate for the lost spaces when transport links are so bad.:eek::eek:

      Have a render of the development plan, what do yous think???

      it’s kinda impossible to comment on such a bad 3D – anything else available?

    • #803210

      @wearnicehats wrote:

      it’s kinda impossible to comment on such a bad 3D – anything else available?

      Sorry wearnicechats, only render available!!!:o

    • #803211

      It looks to me as though they’re doing the right thing – increasing density and giving the parkland site more ‘enclosure’. As for ‘losing’ parking space, it’s the case that surface carparking is just about the greatest waste of space imaginable; if you must have carparking, go down or up but not across: basement or multi, not surface. They should incorporate some apartment housing and anything that will giive it some life after 6pm. It’s hard to judge from the pic what the final version will be like, but the days of shopping malls surrounded by acres of carparking are surely over.
      And look at the wasted space on the periphery of what is a low-density housing area; that should be the site of some higher-density housing to give it some form and definition. We surely need to revisit housing layouts and rediscover a sense of the urban, not pander to traffic regulations designed solely to facilitate car movement. We are all consumers of space.

    • #803212

      It’s actually possible to put parking underground nowadays you know

    • #803213

      Oooh! A lake!
      But thats a lot of building in an already congested area. But they look like really long term plans.
      Oh is Metro West supposed to stop in Blanch?

    • #803214

      That picture is old enough

      They’ve changed a fair whack of it already

      The new show and restaurant they’ve built in retail park 2 isnt there

      The Yellow Mall Extension is starting soon now the Crowne Plaza and Falcons View are finisihing up

      The office block to be built beside Westpoint got rejected!

    • #803215

      Forgive my ignorance but is the rejected office block the tall building in the bottom centre of the 3D?

    • #803216

      No its just to the right of the Quinn Building. Its used as an overflow carpark near enough to Heatons

    • #803217

      Ah right, cheers

    • #803218

      That cgi is ancient

    • #803219

      Anyone know whats going on with the Yellow Mall extension? Building was due to start last year.

    • #803220
    • #803221

      That plans been changed

      Theres no movement on the Yellow Mall and its nearly May!

    • #803222

      A large amount of infrastructure would be needed to support the level of development proposed.

      – Expedite conversion of Maynooth line to DART and build proposed Porterstown DART station. Planned by 2015.
      – Do a Lucan Bypass on the N3. When this was widened, the opportunity was taken to put in high grade continuous bus lanes in both directions. The N3 needs this as well as 6-laning. Yes this is more road space, but the Blanch Centre is fundamentally car-oriented and can’t be greatly changed at this stage.
      – Add any missing bus lanes to the Blanch Road South (R121) from the N3 junction as far south as the proposed DART station at Porterstown. I believe these are all in place now except for the short part from the rail line north to the roundabout with the Ongar Distributor Road, here.
      – Build Metro West. This is clearly a long way off now, with the slowing down of the public transport projects, so the thing is to protect its alignment through the Blanch Centre area from development, and to push for it to built as an elevated structure through here.

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