Autocad 2002

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    • #710041
      Shane M

      I have a small problem. I got AutoCad from a friend a year ago as i need it for my work. BUT i just bought a new laptop and i cant get it again…I If anyone has the 2002 version and are willing to post it to me could you leave a comment. I wwould be very grateful!!!!!

    • #801287

      why would you want 2002? if you are looking for a dodgy copy why not ask for 2009

    • #801288

      Cause da guy im working for has 2002 and apparently he wouldnt be able to open drawings ive done on a newer cad model…….However i would be willing to get 2009 or anything if anyone has ot?????

    • #801289

      The guy you’re working for should upgrade to a newer version and you shouldn’t have to be on a discussion forum looking for bootleg copies 😉
      Seriously, the way things are going out there you won’t be able to ‘save as 2002’ shortly. I’d a situation recently where a guy who needed drawings was working Lt97/98 and I’d an awful job trying to get them saved so he could open them. €1190 roughly got me Lt 2006 last year

    • #801290

      autodesk are one smart company…

      it sets to save as default to latest version…
      if you do a export it saves as the most current version even though you told it not too…

      I think someone should sue them because they bought a piece of software that opens *.dwgs that cannot its a crime… it **** me up the wall…
      I never save as latest version and every new version you lose one version…

      go and use micro station….

    • #801291

      @missarchi wrote:

      autodesk are one smart company…

      1. it sets to save as default to latest version…
      2. if you do a export it saves as the most current version even though you told it not too…

      3. I think someone should sue them because they bought a piece of software that opens *.dwgs that cannot its a crime… it **** me up the wall…
      4.I never save as latest version and
      5. every new version you lose one version…

      go and use micro station….

      1. its easy to change the default save to an older version, i use 2007 and always save as 2004 as i find most people have this version of later, plus file sizes between 2002 and 2004 dropped dramatically.
      2. if you export a block as a *.dwg file, why not simply create it as a new file and save it as an older version.
      3. dont know what you mean here, what software? dwg viewers?
      4. as above no. 1
      5. thats to be expected really.

      i have never used microstation, so i cant comment on it, but i find autocad interfaces with most other useful softwares these days, sketchup, viz etc…

    • #801292

      Maybe you should buy a full version and keep the country afloat

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