Architectural Advertisment

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    • #705057

      Perhaps I’m displaying my ignorance here but could someone explain to me the logic behind architects not being allowed to advertise. Surely they are providing a competitive service like any other buisness?

    • #716633
      Paul Clerkin

      Part of the RIAI’s code of conduct?

    • #716634

      I was wondering more why it would have been written into the code originally.

    • #716635
      Paul Clerkin

      Because architects were gentlemen and above the crassness of cold hard commercialism

    • #716636

      The prohibition on advertising applies to most if not all professionals who have professional bodies to represent them rather then a trade union e.g doctors, solictors, barristers,etc.

      I think the point above about gentlemen and commercialism was one of the original reasons, as in the past professions would only have been accessible to those in the higher classes, and it would have been poor ettiquette to advertise one’s services.

      I don’t know whether it should still be the case, although having seen some of the advertisements of lawyers and doctors in the states, i wouldn’t welcome them here.

      Also, the lack of advertising means that there is less competition amongst firms for work, which allows architects to use the scale of feees agreed by their professional body, the RIAI here in ireland.

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