a sports museum

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    • #710224

      On the subject of museums, does anyone else here think that Ireland would be the perfect location for Europe’s first major sports museum? The idea struck me when reading an interview with Sean Kelly a couple of years ago in which was described the stacks of yellow and green jerseys kept in his garage. Kelly said he didn’t know what to do with them. Our love of sports may not be unique, but the number and range of sports pursued and supported at a high level probably is. There must be loads of stuff out there that people would happily donate on loan for display and the GAA probably have overflow stuff they would lend.

      The GAA museum had 75,000 visitors last year for their four sports.

    • #804579

      Well Dublin has had no Civic Museum for several years now, since the very small facility closed suddenly, and no sign that the history of the city of Dublin is going to be commemorated anytime soon by our civic authorities. That makes Dublin pretty well unique.

      Ireland has no real Museum of Transport, despite key roles in aviation and indeed maretime history.
      No known plans for one either. Yes, there are private collections by well minded groups, and the public museum in Belfast, but no public collection in the Republic.

      This despite unprecedented public funds for “arts” and “tourism” projects during the tiger years.

      Now both of those are pretty uncontroversial, whereas a sports museum would be into “parity of esteem” issues between various sports, or various codes for playing sports, that appear to outsiders to be identical, but who do not agree one with another. How much space for this and that. Repeat visits would be rare and public funds needed to keep it open.


    • #804580

      My mind goes back to when we had the DDDA in the office promoting the CHQ ‘Mall’ and I asked why it wasn’t considered as a site for a museum. They said they looked in to it and found that there wasn’t a market for it.

    • #804581

      well how much market and footfall is there for the shops there now.

    • #804582

      Now? How about ever?

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