10,000 Stadium for DCU GAA academy

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    • #710288

      On a day when the Bank of Ireland signed a five-year deal to become official sponsor of the Dublin City University (DCU) GAA Academy, bold plans for an indoor stadium at the campus were also announced.

      The initial stages of planning for the proposed 10,000-seater stadium have been submitted to Fingal County Council. Should the venture go ahead within the next two years it is hoped to be completed by 2013.


      A 10,000-seater, fully enclosed GAA stadium, equipped with cutting-edge technology, is just part of a bold new €15m development DCU

      t is envisaged the centre — which is subject to planning approval –will include a running track, transparent roof and technology that would place the centre as a world leader in the area of sports performance analysis.

      “There is nothing else like what we are proposing in the world,” said Prof Niall Moyna, who hopes to see the centre in operation in three years. “We’ll be hoping to have multiple angle cameras and sensors in the floor to help measure performance.

      he project has been in the pipeline for 18 months and it is sure to attract the attention of Athletics Ireland as provision for a running track has also been included in the design.
      Though enclosed, the pitch will still be grass-based thanks to a transparent roof and the only drawback to the structure will be the fact that the ceiling will be 35-40ft high
      That would be just about low enough to reach with a particularly hefty kick and would automatically rule it out as a venue for a competitive hurling fixture. Football, however, may be a different story.

      this is being built in st clares across the road from the dcu, im finding it hard to imagine a 10,000 seater full sized enclosed gaa ptich.

      they say there nothing else like in the world, seems to be true, anybody know the architects behind it

    • #805143

      one can only guess??? international switcharoos

    • #805144

      The DCU land bank is very impressive and what is even more impressive is their discipline in building out the original site at a solid density before moving on to their new pastures.

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