Re: Re: well what about the developments popping up in the shannonside ?

Home Forums Ireland well what about the developments popping up in the shannonside ? Re: Re: well what about the developments popping up in the shannonside ?


Its a pity that one side of the street is still a building site especially with the paving works complete, it’ll be another year so before we’ll really be able to appreciate the new look bedford row. I havent been down there in a few weeks, they were only beginning to erect the lighting columns at that stage, are these now in place?, it’ll be interesting to see what they’re like, as i presume these are the template for the new lighting that will be installed throughout the city centre as the remodelling programme progresses, at the moment the lighting in many of the city centre streets in limerick is pretty shambolic!

Also, work still hasnt started on the central cinema (despite permission being granted over a year ago) where the current frontage is to be demolished and the old methodist chapel facade is to be restored. Hopefully we’ll see a few changes now that the street is taking shape, i would love to see a total redevelopment of Bank of Ireland’s 1970s monstrosity!, another disgraceful crime against the city centre, probably wishful thinking though!, would be great if it actually happened, its such a dead space at the moment right in the middle of O Connell st.

So the marriott hotel is due to open next year, good to see that we’re finally getting some details on the development, there has been a wall of silence surrounding it since construction began, its pretty much the same with many of the larger developments taking place in Limerick at the moment, a poor state of affairs really!:(

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