Re: Re: well what about the developments popping up in the shannonside ?

Home Forums Ireland well what about the developments popping up in the shannonside ? Re: Re: well what about the developments popping up in the shannonside ?


‘Ellen street is in dire state, and a private national developer, has put their faith and money into this project. They are rejuvenating the area. This area is a derelict mess, blame the city council for that. The Opera centre is probably the single biggest investment to ever have been proprosed in the Munster region. My point is the pros far outweigh the cons. The investment is in dire need. The georgian on Ellen street is nothing compared to the Georgian’s around Mallow and O’Connell avenue or other parts of the city. Some are been restored I’m pretty much happy, its better to be realistic. tbf.

Sad but true, yes Ellen Street is in dire straits, thanks to City Council who obviously took the contents of a brown paper bag to facilitate the demise of the buildings in question. Looks like they will go. Therefore, A UNIQUE STREET will be no morel Question, if they demolish the selected buildings, how will the ‘Ormston House’ side of the Street fit in with the new? Will they be renovated (most of the buildings on this side of the Street are in as bad repair as the selected buildings ‘that according to the developers MUST GO’! Anyone out there know of the complete plan?’

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