Re: Re: well what about the developments popping up in the shannonside ?

Home Forums Ireland well what about the developments popping up in the shannonside ? Re: Re: well what about the developments popping up in the shannonside ?


I can;t wait to see the the design of the the St munchins develpment !!!

the boundary extention feud! is really causing havock!!!! the county councils want the monopoly of the city which is very greedy! when nearly half of the entire population of the city is in Clare and couunty limerick
its even causing cofusion to investors and multnationals who come to ireland think Limerick is unaatractive judging by its labour market , pop, rates , etc…..

i think its one of the highest rates outside Dublin or its even higher? even the suburbs are paying big bucks for retail park devlopments too.

there is a lot of derelict buildings been pulled down in the city centre , which is good but as Jimg said there is no major retail shops goin in just apartments mostly, which explains why retail rents are far lower the cork where as Patrick street is 3 times the price of criuses street.

Does anyone know if there are brownfields site up for new developments at the docks whats goin up?
threre is up to 250acres of land there 40 acres for dockland dev.
which is for commercial residential and other uses inclu. upgrade of the docks etc.
the the dockland company were planning to move some of it works further down stream to foynes etc.
anyone have more information il try get some info in the meantime

devlopment around cobert station should be thought about as its a major gateway into that side of the city
some parts is rough and run down!

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