Re: Re: well what about the developments popping up in the shannonside ?

Home Forums Ireland well what about the developments popping up in the shannonside ? Re: Re: well what about the developments popping up in the shannonside ?

Paris Jack

Anyone got any decent pics of how things are developing on Bedford Row? From both ends of course!:) How is the Hilton shaping up? I certainly hope it looks a darn sight brighter by the time the doors open for business! Anyone else think it looks quite drab? Great location though! Just a pity it has to face that piece of crap on the opposite bank!:mad: I’m very annoyed:( to hear that Dunnes Stores have refurbished the interior of that eye sore on Sarsfield Street! I mean, what a waste of such a prime site! Great things could be done here… I’d personally love to see a highrise building go up there! Something on the scale of the Riverpoint complex! It would look awesome! It would really fill in that whole area big time! The location is just perfect for it! I really don’t know what Dunnes are thinking here, especially with their new store just over the road!? It’s a sad sight…:(and a HUGE waste of what really is one of the best locations in the city centre!

Well, well well. So, now they can’t get enough hotels in Limerick, eh? They’re building them left, right and centre! Now ain’t it too bad some brainless twat demolished Cruises Hotel!? Literally ripping open the entire bottom half of O’Connell Street! It stands there for almost two hundred years and then someone comes along with a wrecking ball and history goes right out the effin window! Genius!:rolleyes:Pure genius! So much for heritage… I stayed in Cruises hotel several times over the years and always enjoyed it there so I couldn’t believe it when they tore it down! I’m all for progress, but NOT for wanton vandalism! For me personally, losing Cruising Hotel just destroyed this part of O’Connell Street! I’m in the property developement/preservation business myself so I would have simply cut an archway through the hotel retaining the vast majority (90%-95%) of the existing building! And still had the new street! I don’t know if this was ever considered in the original plan? Should have been! To have had another hotel on O’Connell Street besides the George would have been just wonderful! Such a pity.:(

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