Re: Re: The failure of Ireland

Home Forums Ireland The failure of Ireland Re: Re: The failure of Ireland


@GregF wrote:

When they had their boom in the 80’s they got signature architecture from the likes of local greats such as Richard Rogers and Norman Foster as well as many a renowned foreign architect. With this came a thriving art scene as well. Since then Britain has flourished with signature architecture not only in London but throughout the country. Wembley Stadium the latest addition to London. (What would we do without the GAA and CrokePark, at least they showed initiative and vision.) .

The 1980’s in London delivered Lloyds and little else it really was mid to late 90’s before standards improved beyond bland pension fund spec development to owner occupier spec. The outlook os certainly better than the backdrop.

@GregF wrote:

As what the Darkman said regarding our Celtic Tiger boom and architecture here, all we seemed to have got are acres of overpriced undersized houses and appartments and roads with roundabouts and traffic lights.

Regarding the paltry state of the country from which we came, as what the Denouncer said, it is true, we have come a long way, considering we had SFA to start with. But that does not excuse our conservatism when it comes to the arts and architecture. It is so bad that it is like the time when the Catholic Church had control of and a say about everyone’s lives here.

Can we please leave the Church out of this, bottom line pre 1995 Ireland architecturally was driven by cost concerns and low rental levels impeding the ability of developers to build attractive buildings aimed at higher end occupiers.

What happened next was that the DOE did not issue proper guidelines compelling developers to raise design standards.

The AIG building on the corner of North Wall Quay and Guild St sums it all up for me

You can throw in most of Cork St as well

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