Re: Re: reorganisation and destruction of irish catholic churches

Home Forums Ireland reorganisation and destruction of irish catholic churches Re: Re: reorganisation and destruction of irish catholic churches


The reality is that people will naturally go to the same seats day in day out, or week in week out. One can tell who is around immediately upon entering ones local church. Even visitors, if they attend daily Mass, will inevitably go to the same section of the church everytime. Regarding Cobh Cathedral, the back section of the central nave seats are the ones that fill up first, with a few people choosing to take seats nearer the front. Should the proposed re-ordering take place, this situation will not change, and people will move correspondingly back, until they find the place where they are most comfortable.
This, of course, make Prof.O’Neill assumption that everyone is going to “gather around the altar” in his proposed confirugation, total nonesense. One of the characteristics of the team proposing the changes to Cobh Cathedral is their total divorce from reality. If, once, they had taken the time to actually talk to the people they might have learned a great deal of what actually happens in the church. Unfortunatley their attitiude is that they can impose this on the people and that eventually they will come around. No wonder there is such anger and resentment among the parishioners in Cobh.

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