Re: Re: reorganisation and destruction of irish catholic churches

Home Forums Ireland reorganisation and destruction of irish catholic churches Re: Re: reorganisation and destruction of irish catholic churches


@brianq wrote:

Hi Prax,

As regards post 1143 I did indeed make a mistake and quoted the wrong reference in GIRM. It should have been GIRM 389 where it states that a bishop is to regulate the construction and ordering of churches. It makes no reference to recognitio from the Apostolic See so it would be reasonable to assume that the bishop does not require recognitio on this point. Indeed subsequent sections do refer specifically to issues that do require recognitio which would tend to support my interpretation. My point was, therefore, that if the bishop can regulate the construction and ordering of churches without the need for recognitio then presumably IECL and IBF can do so also. POW is issued to assist bishops carry out such regulation and would not need recognitio.

(ps I intend to follow up most of the other posts when I get time).


The above is a piece, relating to no. 389 of the Institutio Generalis Romani Missalis, is piece of canonical muddle and has nothing to do with the production of texts such as The Place of Worship. I reproduce the relevant chapter heading from the Institutio Generalis Romani MIssalis and the text of no. 389:

“Chapter IX
Adaptations Within the Competence of
Bishops and Bishops’ Conferences

389. It is the competence of the Conferences of Bishops in the first place to prepare and
approve an edition of this Roman Missal in the authorized vernacular languages, for use in the
regions under their care, once their decisions have been accorded the recognitio of the Apostolic
The Roman Missal, whether in Latin or in lawfully approved vernacular translations, is to be
published in its entirety.”

Brian, I do believe taht you are out of your canonical waters!

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