Re: Re: reorganisation and destruction of irish catholic churches

Home Forums Ireland reorganisation and destruction of irish catholic churches Re: Re: reorganisation and destruction of irish catholic churches


Cathedral of St Pierre, Poitiers, begun in 1162 and consecarted in 1379

Johnglas mentioned a set of Choir Stalls in Tuam Cathedral. So far on this thread not much attention has been devoted to a systematic view of Choir Stalls. Praxiteles believes the time has come to address this question.

So, we start with what are believed to be the oldest set of Choir Stalls in France, those of the Chapter of the Cathedral of St. Pierre in Poitiers which mdate from around 1250 and are carved in oak. They were the gift of Jean de Melun, Bishop of Poitiers 1235 -1257.

Here is the North side of the Choir:

The Choir Stalls as viewed from the steps of the High Altar looking west:

Here are some examples of the Misericords:

Here is the Choir as it was in 1919 enclosed by its fabolous iron work grille -which seems to have disappeared

And as seen from the nave ante 1919:

Here is some further detailed information on the acrved spandrels:

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