Re: Re: reorganisation and destruction of irish catholic churches

Home Forums Ireland reorganisation and destruction of irish catholic churches Re: Re: reorganisation and destruction of irish catholic churches


By a complete chance, I happened on this firm of architects who spesialize in “reorderings”. It operates out of Belfast but seems to have operations’ field extending at least as far as Co. Louth. I think it may deserve a closer inspection and examination of liturgical and conservationist outlook.

The following description of the practise is certainly arresting: “
Rooney & McConville do not have a ‘house style’ as such. This is deliberate as we employ a collaborative style of working, developing the architecture in response to the need of the Christian community we are serving. Our work is specific to each circumstance, to each site and to each religious community. Consequently, every project has a unique set of circumstances,………. and a unique outcome”.

Unique outcomes…hmmmm?

Here is the link:

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